I’ve heard some rumors about a possible CE3? Can we get any confirmation from an admin on this?
CE3 will be a final nail in the coffin for BD.
yes CE3 will be before 2020 before Flash ends as a Farewell era to all the dawners.
thats official check tactisoft community it recently got posted on sm
There will be a CE3 is near future , but no official date as what they said.
Tbh as per current situation of BD i would rather let them take BD off for a month and fix the servers rather than ask for CE3.
i thought the servers were fine?
recent down times were caused by google cloud services crashing…
It would be best for BD to be able to work on a standalone client or something different than flash. Starting now would result in less problems in the future.
Yes please, change the platform the game is based on. If you’re gonna keep it browser-based, at least switch to HTML/JS or smth. THEN, CE3 can be like a huge opening event of sorts, instead of a farewell event…
Yeah, bane is just the big dumb
What’s CE3? (Sorry for the dumb question, tho I’m curious)
its called a championship era held on 1 ticker (should call it 1 ticker championship imo). So basically they try to keep it in one of the free months which they hope is free for everyone so that everyone can participate equally which imo can never be achieved .
Then u plant and see people have planted with 50 players to confirm victory but then get destroyed by people who have planted 100 people to confirm victory , then there are DDos attacks on server every week so people can get breaks and they can relax. then u see people paying thousands of reds to a side to buy them directly or indirectly. And in the end a coalition of 5-6 alliance gets the final victory.
Aftermath of the era, some quit the game forever cause they now find BD a cheating fest and admins biased , some quit cause other eras dont feel fun anymore and some others quit cause they feel there is nothing left to achieve in BD after winning CE.
The era itself makes a lot of money though.
(And yes i have been part of one of those big coalition who came with 50 players if not 100).
Basically CE2 was really epic, and also made a lot of people quit.
Depending on who you ask, CE is the holy grail of BD or the bane of it (pun intended).
We’ve nothing on a CE3 to share right now, but Andrei has already made clear he intends for there to be one.
And you have to take the role of Varys and look him straight into his eyes and tell him that he is wrong and taking such decision may lead to catastrophy.
Champion ship eras are what people crave for. Not run away from.
Just image the amount of old players who would return just to make this era a cataclysm !
@Alexander I think we proved this or I should say come to conclusion that CE is harmful in long term due players getting burnt etc?
@Energy I thought you were aware of this theory?
Idk what caused it but the problem continued for a few days and tbh even without server crashes the ticks are off a lot of times and anything after last 50 seconds is just be at ur own risk
Page me if this happens
The last CE caused a serious loss of BD players, many who never returned. I prefer something like the Galaxy 3 era with 100 player alliance, and no one was able to plant after a certain tick. That was a lot more fun, and the best players did show up to play, and it brought a lot of excitement. The last CE era was very drawn out and exhausting.
A 2 ticker CE please
Why would you want a 2 ticker CE
because 1 tickers fucking suck, and not all people have time for 3 tickers… 2 is the perfect median
Asking for a 2 ticker CE shows u never played