Earth 3 - Era 124: Return of the Poo

Everyone knows you guys stabbed first. LMAOO READ THE POST!! P.S I KILLED U EZ in E5

Scroll up and enjoy memory lane NOOB!!! WHOLE 10 pages for you to keep barking!!

And while you’re at it. Revisit ur failure in E4. Earth 4 Event Fail Blog

if you didn t care you would nt have replied in the first place so there is a motive there that its loud and clear for all to understand .

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lol I mean you are the one barking around with no proof just “oh you’re lying” and “in my experience I can tell liers like you”. Mate no one cares about your experience lmao just bring me proof I am boosting.

It doesn’t matter if you boost. Still dead.

Studies have found that people are more willing to lie to receive incentives that benefit their entire team rather than incentives that are just for themselves.

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Dude, no one cares about studies. Show me proof lmao you keep avoiding it.

barking ? do iknow you even or care what are you saying you just a wall that chris is pissing on i wont say more you just showed how absolutely trash you are as the barking dog chris

If your not telling me your ign in the first place how the hell do i know who you are

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The dusk squads that were disbanded


Doctor PoopieHead now come on

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I think Bill is having a stroke. He can’t even speak English properly now. Re-read what you just typed. LMAOOOO kid is having a seizure here.

Change your name to Doctor Noob. LMAOOOOO

ooo nice i see , you tricky cheater dude … don t worry i will bring the proofs in 24 hours . I give you my word earlier i said i will bring it with more time but this time it i will bring it more fast :grin:

@SayerJW Yaz is my multi which means I’m the cheater not him :smiley:

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I actually have a perfect person for you guys who will post all the proofs :crazy_face: :yum:

are you a poopiehead ?

So you don’t have proof then? so you were just barking around calling me a liar and a booster without proof to show right now? Just as I thought, you just talk talk talk without ever showing action or proof. Now shush please.

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Researchers suspect the willingness to lie in team environments isn’t entirely selfless, though. In group environments people tend to feel less guilty for lying because they are helping others. They are less afraid to lie because there is less of a chance of them being caught and suffering the entire blame because everyone on their team is implicated.