BattleDawn Championship Era 3

Well one BD2 members saying they weren’t aiming for the ribbon and the other saying they were. Cool


CE is done , AGE won… Enjoy your trophies and Chill :slight_smile:


The one’s who actually don’t care congratulated and moved on :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll say it. If you have to do a long write up on what you did during the era, then it probably wasn’t that relevant. The real ones know who did what (and most of them aren’t talking). Now kiss and make up and go night-night.

Salty hoes.


He’s right tho youss, we reneged on the deal you offered because we were too far in bed with HINI to really trust anybody else, and WSS had not yet told me that they weren’t going to be merging with HINI at the end so I had no reason to believe we were going to lose.

At the time, merging with HINI still was a clear choice.


Bilal, Harsh don’t know what actually happened. What happened is 2 days before the era ended I went to a nearby lake around 3 am at night and saw a reflection in the water that Age will win the era even without the ship’s relic. So I came home called Iceman, luckily due to our timezone it was early evening for him and he was still awake. We talked and after some careful considerations, we decided it will be in AGE’s best interest if we attack ship’s relic (you know just to keep HINI chilled so that they don’t try something). That was it. Now all of you can thank me later :slight_smile:


Thank you later

Ouch :frowning:

Ily2 Bilala :sob: :heart:

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“We never planned to turn from ships relic”, I did tell people this, idk why people ever thought you would


Actually, i was the one who got you into the team :joy: I pushed hard too since I remembered all the times we fought each other and knew you’d do well. Though, it was an awkward argument to be like, “well, I never played on the same team as him, except for 1 time for about 200 ticks after I killed his team… We’ve fought each other a few times, and I beat him in those rounds, but he’s respectful as an enemy and I like his personality… I don’t think he’d betray… even though I killed him twice…”

But then I left the team to admin :upside_down_face:


Got a message and seems my ranting was misinterpreted by some.

So felt the need for this last post to clear it up, for those that have already stopped caring, don’t even worry bout it.

First and foremost, the reason why I was salty is 100% because I lost, I thought that was obvious. Also it’s obviously my fault, and my fault alone. I misplayed a few key moments and lost because of it. I could tell you exactly where, but who really cares at this point…

Never said I was perfect
I do have a lot of confidence in my abilities though, obviously from how I was typing earlier.

The real salt comes from only having 4 of the people I wanted in the final team, actually be in the final team (Alfie, Moe, Excel, and Energy). So since I had a large amount of control over the last 500 ticks, I’m the one that fucked it up for the other 6 I wanted in. So I cost @youssefkh @Harvester @Nick and the 3 others I had in my head… their spot on the final team.

(If you’re wondering who the 3 others are, it’s you avid reader, and your 2 best friends, sorry for letting you down.)

Doesn’t matter what those 6 think, in my world it’ll be my fault.
So yeah, I was 100% full of salt, and it would of been extremely fake to smile and be like "gg all, xoxo, I’m happy I swear, see you in BD2 the electric boogaloo :crazy_face: ". So I had no intention of doing that.

The rant was just venting my frustration of what I had to deal with, because I do dislike roughly 50% of you, not trying to pass the blame of losing.

Good luck in life to the people I do consider normal or even “good human-beings”. The other ones can fuck off. Signing off for real this time, sayonara

I wasn’t trying to pass blame, if you lose, it’s your own damn fault, and I lost


hmm I don’t remember this, you might have suggested him first for sure, but I know I was certainly pushing for him to be in the team as well, and know dan was defs okay with it. I don’t remember anyone being against it at all

You guys massively enriched the era and even if you weren’t able to win I was proud to help some of your members get it, even though it was extremely risky and hard to pull everyone together at the end.

It was an absolute pleasure interacting with you in the era on behalf of both SGC and AT, always in good faith and friendly and focused conversations. Some people who did not win this era could learn from that.
I thought the pirate schtick was weird to start with but ultimately you, @Moe and the gang were awesome. Excel being there obviously also made it easier to get on but one of the benefits of lots of older players returning is that you get to conduct diplo with people who don’t already hate you lol so it was refreshing to meet you guys

GG WSS and I hope you’re not dumb enough to play this game again but if you do then be sure to hit us up


Primary team was initially Milan, Alex, Simsy, Fluffers, and myself. We made an extensive list of folks we liked/were currently playing/weren’t in another team already/felt would fit the main 5 playstyle wise. I’m sure when you joined, you recall a spreadsheet that contained names and scores (and you were likely asked to put your opinion on it as well to fill in last spots).

However, lots shifted when Alex, simsy, fluff and myself backed out. Initially, I was the only one who had played with Devin and everyone else said they had no opinion or were neutral (which normally meant we took them off the list). But I basically gave him flying colors on all categories so we kept him in the running.


Oh yeh for sure, I thought you meant you were pushing hard for it after Dan and I had joined, as if we were against it

It’s okay boys, there’s enough of me for the both of you :wink:

@Malicewolf Was hoping to get a proper era in with you, but alas everyone loves you and you had to go admin. :confused: thx for the recommendation and pulling me out of retirement.


That brings me to a question

Wth , I was kicked from a team I wasn’t even invited to :joy: :joy:


Sorry Bane, I don’t think we ever even considered you :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

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Ur loss u missed on the biggest power holder finish of all time CE and a top 10 individual rank finish. :joy: :joy:

(All the kids watching this be a lesson , Bane gonna do it with u or without u , but there is no stopping him ) :crazy_face:


I mean, if you were with me, I would have ordered you to suicide into someone with me. So, maybe it’s better this way

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Not entirely true!

He got from me a 2 out of 3!

Flying colors considering how harsh I am!

Also, Fluffeh joined you in your 3/3 rating.

He had a GDP per capita of 120k$, making him one of the best raters!