Shout out to that one time Leo got red-smoked during an important war (It was some random E3 when you were on a team with Kapp, ANTRAX, Phil, and all the big-boosters who hated SGC) hiding in the left corner of AA while trying to relocate back and forth between Alaska and AA.
I’ll have to check my old laptop for saved screenshots of that era, I’m pretty sure I saved a screenshot of a triple-LD I did with Kapp on 2 ends and Antrax on an OP nearby.
E: HOLY FUCK THIS ERA! Somebody just sent me this 2 minutes after I posted xD
No one hated SGC as you are stating lmao. We all planted to chill. The real action was on skype, we had players from different BD ages, former enemies, friends, just enjoying conversation and sharing stories.
Honestly, no one from our group had intention on fighting sgc that time
We would have, if anything, fight 4e that time. . i remember you guys stopped war vs 4e and attacked us instead
oh, are you just trying to further emphasize all the points of you willingly being an asshole to ex-friends for the slight chance at a medal because your feelings were hurt? Wouldn’t expect anything more from somebody with as such a thin-skin they continually respond to my messages on every thread when I’m clearly baiting them.
2 E Z
E: Inb4 ‘Pattie’ based insult because Cody is obsesssed with feminized dudes and is into traps.
honey, therapy isn’t in classes. Basic life-lessons are just school, which you missed out on in a flyover-state.
E: oooooo the sneaky ninja-edit from you after I made fun of you saying “therapy classes” to try to make me look silly. I’ll be sure to screenshot everything you say in the future, I forgot you were that much of a snake, cody.
fuck you G, you saw I was still here and just deleted that moments before I quoted it; I saw that. But I also weirdly respect that type of game at the same time.
Nah, you engaged but backed off when you remembered you don’t actually have a spine either.
E: Not worth an additional comment because it would be just sad and this is funny-BD moments.
Maybe I still have screenshots saved from that Earth-era when I made Guarav “quit” in frustration. That would be the era I stole relics from PLO and hid on Hawaii with 0 intention of winning just to be a pest.
My sentiment exactly. Though I’m inclined to agree with what you say as it happens to be brutally honest most of time I find it particularly funny someone who although he claims he quit long ago still remembers unpleasant experiences with players friends or foes in great detail and is ready to point them out. Move on man… @Sakrie