About 4 capable alliances this era and then literally nothing. There are some cool players planted though so we will see.
Tick 16
War just started but nothing has happened yet except for exchanging of mines and moving of troops to the frontline. Should be fun.
Tick 38
Some of TCA has been conquered, some are absent, and the two strongest members left the alliance and have handed over mines to KKND. The world is now silent as alliances continue to expand and settle in.
Did you guys go and kill KKNB lmao?
Yea one member was being a dolt so we killed him
@Yeet New update plz?
Since @Yeet seems to be too busy stabbing,
Tick 155
3 alliances: WY, BfM and KKND have stabbed xD. And it’s the same fuckers cribbing about ethics and gangbangs on other eras zzzzzz “Im OnLy FolLoWiNg OrDeRs” at least own up nubs
make it 5. bfm,bfms,aww, WY and KKND vs xD. no wonder they cant do 1vs1 because you need balls to do that.
Since I have always tried to be completely against stabbing and I am now part of a clear stab I’m going to attempt to explain myself. I know this sounds like a very common excuse but previous to the war I believed our launch tick was 150 because the nap ended at 150, and I am not the only one in my team to think this. Following the unusual lack of preparation the other side would make coming closer to the end of a nap, I asked if we were going to stab in the chat, and was answered by another member.
A hour before Im writing this when it became clear that we did have a nap until 300 and that we did actually stab, I asked my leader why the hell we are stabbers now. This was his response:
Anyways this it all the information I was given, feel free to make your own opinion on whether the team stabbed or not. If you feel it was a stab I’m sorry I never meant for it to turn out this way nor did I know it would.
Also, to lesson the gangbang a bit its WY BFM n sub, KKND vs xD DKWM and TDR, tdr namely has some big names and boosters in it so if they start playing we will see what happens.
Here is proof of KKND stabbing, I can post personal messages showing WY stabbing if they want to refute it. BfM can be easily proven as well.
It seems like KKND leader made the agreement for 500 ticks and lied to his own alliance about the NAP length saying it was 150. We will see how this war turns out, would be a shame to openly stab with no excuse and still lose
Leader didnt lie, he just was not clear really. No NAP marker or anything, we assumed 150.
If he told you 150 then he is lying. And the of the sub literally means nothing as we had several others marked blue in xD
Also our leader saying we are neutral is literally what a NAP is… its not an alliance and its not enemies…it is literally a non-aggression pact lmao.
Saying we are neutral as a way to invalidate a NAP he agreed to is the dumbest argument ive ever seen
YEET go suck it
You guys should go and learn BD better. thats all im gonna say here. you manipulate your own sayings and doesnt even respect NAP. thats a shame for this game itself. be a man and fight a fair war. we had a NAP with WY till tick 300 as well, they stabbed as well. and as of bfm they already broke the NAP with us by attacking our Ops! go learn the meaning of NAP. attacking an alliance with literally 4 teams because you are just too scared to fight them 1vs1 shows how great players you are and your team. #getbetter
@Yeet you need another proof? check the marker with tick and check the tick when it was placed.
Looks to me, that anytime you see yeet and friends on an era, you should not even bother making naps with them, just go to war at start…as he’s validated they break naps.
This is the first time I’ve been in a NAP breaking alliance?
lol so You say…they make you look good don’t they?