Hello guys , here is some fun , answer the questions below ( using tags is preferable - honesty is preferable ) :
1- Best player to ever play with ?
2- Best player to ever play against ?
3- Player you regret playing with ?
4- Player who you hoped to play with but never did ?
5- Player that you think deserve more recognition ?
Go ! ( show some courage )
1- Dane
2- Hunter
3- George
4- Senatus
5- Hunter
- Eddie Mora/Kodak/Lamp
- Dane / Xander
- Not important
- Alex
- Simon (Dude is a beast , u can call him any time of the day and he will be there , just love him)
1- NickCarr
2- Milan
3- can we all put George here
4- Conquering Menstrual
3-Milan lmao
4-I’ve played with most people I wanted to by this point tbh
1 - Ced
2 - Malice
3 - Rank 9 BOAT
4 -Neutron
5 - Dan (Remi)
1 Fluff / Best leader prolly Malice
2 kyl
4 Milan
5 Honestly dont know
1- Best player to ever play with ? Tough one, everyone has had some awesome eras. “best” is subjective, “consistent” would be Alfie since he actually likes to micro-manage people
2- Best player to ever play against ? Probably some of the GOO or old F3 people, I’ve gotten spanked pretty hard by ShadowCat’s exp-farmed units a few times.
3- Player you regret playing with ? Capo. Don’t over-hype your activity, tries to be a chef without actually putting in the prep work or working on the line. (Still blame him for draft era loss)
4- Player who you hoped to play with but never did ? Maybe the Corgis, they get shit done.
5- Player that you think deserve more recognition ? ehhh I don’t play enough to know tbh
my memory is utter crap but lets have a pointless go
1-rev/kodak/dave/ trajic(cuz of the journey)
2- mot/dylan and there gang were really fun to fight/ and I forgot Nico I miss you
3-sasuke the m3 he died 90 times on the front line
4-the mythological creatures active sasuke and pro swag
5- there are a lot but I don’t think they wanted to be recognized(hook/sue/rev/pusat)
- Nopy or iceman i get to logg in once every 500 tick or so and still win.
- BP coz he brings many teams, but they allways die 1 team at the time so its free XP
- uchi ( poor nopy had to farm 50k kills to carry us that era )
- milan so now ill kill him on ce :3
- conhor
4-Idk traj or neutron ig would be fun
5-Idrk someone who isnt recoqnized and good
- Best player: Leo when he wants to win he is on his game.
- Play against: probably every good player on BD
- Regret: Ced, backstabs can never be forgotten
- Neutron
- Energy
- Fur
- Trajic
- Anish Mal
- Gaurav
This thread changed from having fun to internet drama really fast
I’m not going to anwer cus I’m supeerrr new, but maybe in a couple months
- Rob (V), The Gaurdian, or Alfie
- ill say Beso because we became good friends while fighting each other
- far too many to list.
- fluffeh
- Dope and Xander.
This is why I didn’t mention anyone in the column of who u regret playing with , people feel hurt.
Bane regrets playing with me always because I cause him problems that he has to try to mop up after
tbh i kind of deserve that one
Thats why i love you… not a cry baby
You are good person but had a bad experience playing with you