My failed suicide since the guy following me turned

(konoha army was locked and damaged 2 ticks before)
Nice reports @Doomer_Nationalist
Ouch @Tanner. Konoha did a number on your army
If I didn’t know better, it would seem like you were being fed xp haha
7 round battle woahhhh
some bases have a glow for some reason
Bilal and I are just xp farms I think we deserve to be banned
Not Mine…
That’s an ooof. How did you lose the squads?
Trying to kill diGnity got trapped and Ion Ganged with 27 Ion Cannons.
27 ions on 110 units?
27 Ions on the rest of my army, That was going to help those.
oh lol, that makes more sense haha
GG WP man. I kinda regret starting war suddenly, it was split decision that involved no prep. Anyways ended up being good fight from you and I regret deciding to play so late jajaja
Now that’s what I call a fight! Well played Solo and Seth. The Blood God’s accept this offering and may give the world a slight boost to the finish line in return.
10 days of dancing and me and PINA finally bumped uglies.
there were ions and exp on both sides
shoutout to NSA who fought like crap, died within a day and a half after getting nuked eta 11 on a 1 ticker, left his buddy to fight me alone, and is now scavanging the colo of his friend who fought and died with honour like the pathetic little worm he is. you suck dude, you really do