G1 - The Floofening

Never said anyone said or did anything in game breathtakingly rude to me. Just that they were a bit rude. BIT. It went from, kinda abrupt msgs and a bit short to “you’re gonna die” messages to me (i know they weren’t real life threats or anything), so I got riled up and thought to myself, “watch me die then” (sarcasm).

At the start, Davi and 50 CAL were a bit rude, which fueled the fire that got everything started (once again, it wasn’t anything super offensive, not saying it was. Just enough to get me thinking, “hey i could go for a trolling here”. Bullet did indeed send me the message he posted above.
And I simply messaged back that he could “blame Davi cause I had no intention of playing the era otherwise”. Bullet’s 1st message was perfectly fine, but didn’t mean I was gonna stop my attacks.

After about 100 ticks in (which in a 4 ticker, ain’t long), both Davi and 50 CAL have sent me much nicer messages. Bullet on the other hand turned to the opposite (hence the above msgs). Now, here we are.

Majority of the msg’s and BC’s going on now have been fun, playful banter imo. I’m all for a little smack talk so long as no one takes it too far (like cursing and insulting one’s character, etc). At this point, I find this war to be more of a friendly match up now with all except bullet. :man_shrugging:

As i said in both messages to you and to 50 CAL, just because you want peace after I did some damage, doesn’t mean I have to give it to you. If 7VEN or 711 attacked you instead, would you be this mad b/c they didn’t stop when you said to? Am i supposed to take it easy b/c I’m both an admin and a player? (and tbh, when I play, I’m brutal to my enemies usually. Feel free to ask anyone else who’s gotten a trolling from me, or played me in a serious era).

The last message I got from 50 CAL, i loved. I was even considering peace for a moment when I read it cause it was such a great attitude. But then the very next message I read was your above one, which made me go right back to thinking, “yup, more trolling seems fun”.

Also, thank you for defending my honor irrational :stuck_out_tongue:


Jesus chill i was just joking lol

we all know you are the 2nd best admin after simmen :wink:

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lol my bad, it says responding to you, but i was more so referring to bullet’s overall messages.


whoops my finger slipped on the trigger. RIP @DR.
The first of the BRs. (yes I lost a lot)

3 likes and Ill share full br.


Congrats on killing players who log once a week lol

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maybe I should get active in this server again…

I did say 3 likes