F3 Era 115: Is it dead or not?







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That’s not me.
Casper is rich

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Regarding DTA - Neut actually stuck up for you. Before the RC stab, I had a TB up in their land and would’ve killed you all long ago, but was forced to downgrade it as it wasn’t fair for him to let me do that.


I called him on it when i asked if we could have OPs on their island to take them out when he said no because he liked DTA better so tough luck on us, also you are IT if I am right we pulled from attacking you because we were asked to by neuron because you were joining 242 which didnt happen and you stayed in DTA, later attacking us anyway then relocating to their island and later leaving DTA to join XO, there were 3 training bases on their island within striking distance of us and I know DTAs original deal was no OPs on their island same as us. Am I wrong???

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Almost everything you said is irrelevant to the point I was trying to make. Even as a friend of Neut, he still wanted the DTA JFF war to be fair. I was meant to be joining them, hence the op in their land. But instead I TB’d it to kill you. Again, I was told it wasn’t fair, so downgraded.


The point im making is that they were downgraded only when we called him on it and that the other facts I stated added up to the fact that he supported DTA over us, just because the three TBs were eventually downgraded doesnt mean they werent there or generally allowed, the deal was changed for DTA and not us and he literally said its because he liked DTA more, literally he blocked us twice from our war or we are backstabbers, he tried to turn the island deal into 3 quarters of the map because they had OPs there and they had gates beside our colonies and are expecting us to accept it when he said they would be gone by 700 which didnt happen infact a new gate was added that prompted the alliance to attack, I get that 242 wants their sub in third not us or whatever but crying backstab and trying to make us out to be the bad guys is just stupid, Neuron cant be trusted to not twist deals when he is in a better position and for a dead world like f3 thats just silly. We cant win against 242 we have way less income and started war with 1 third ther power and just slightly above their sub but we fought because it was obvious they cant be trusted, i wanted to give benefit of the doubt but was outvoted. thats all there is too it saying neuron was infact sticking up for us is just wrong.

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I had zero obligation to your alliance. DTA had several members of my family alliance,yet I still stuck up for you guys (total strangers) for most of the era. I stopped Spec from killing you when he could have. I tried to make sure that DTA never had any undue advantage and listened to you whenever you had any issues. I could have easily chosen not to do any of that and just helped in whatever capacity to wipe you out. It seems you’ll never appreciate any good and fair thing. Why am I not surprised. It doesn’t matter anyways.

Also I wanted to limit your expansion because I didn’t trust you after your threats to stab us. Another team would have wiped you guys out there and then after you threaten them like that.

Friendly advice, never threaten a team that is in a position to take you down easily when you actually have no solid plans to defeat them. War didn’t break out after your threats because I know you’re new and you’ll make mistakes like that. Take it on the chin and try and learn from the experience and stop rushing to make enemies of people who can actually help you get better in this game.

BTW, My name is Neutron not neuron. Big difference


You stopped us from killing spec when we could have dont try shift that, dont try act like you were looking out for us and all of this happened before we said the nap was annulled, you claimed 3 quarters of the map and said you wouldnt let us expand any further lol, i asked how would you stop us without breaking nap and you had no answer, you constantly threaten war saying we are breaking your new made up rules for our nap so no you have a lot to learn about the game instead, I will post the truth here and its up to others how they will take your deals in the future, what was it you said when the tag changed??? You were leader so all deals with blackpanther no longer mattered well i wasnt leader when we attacked so quit calling backstabbers when you you just went full control freak on a dead world.

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Can we stop whining please


I’m not really understanding at all.

Why are you supposed to care about any team except your own?

Also ‘fair’ wars are stupid. kill your enemies


Then why are guys bitching about it so much? smh

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come on dude, you shit talked us for attacking you and then you proceed to stab 242


You were playing too? lol


Yeah, leader of DTA lol, quit after XO stabbed


learn game (ttm)