Don’t really think its sad. It had quite a bit of drama. Allow me to elaborate from ILY perspective.
First of all, the alliances were 1 , XO , DTA , JFF , ILY and LUA. All of which were players in the power moves during the era.
Diplomacy wise : 1 alliance refused to give ILY an NAP at start of world so it was war from tick 1. DTA had an NAP with ILY till 250 and JFF also had an NAP with ILY. LUA also declared ILY an enemy straight from the first tick. ( refused an NAP). XO accepted to be allied with ILY.
Drama : ILY begun with a full team and had engaged 1 in a war and suddenly were informed that one of their members would not be able to keep playing actively. Plans were made to replace that member however before the member could be replaced, another member got banned for some issues on e5. ( ban was lifted later ). The banned member was kicked and a new member called Venom was recruited.
A few ticks into the war, it starts looking suspicious that Venom might be a spy from his actions and apparent disinterest to communicate with the team. It later becomes confirmed shortly afterwards that Venom ( Its- Kai ) is a spy. Sending screenshots of agent placements and troop movements to the enemy team. ILY decides to create a seperate chat and continue with Venom and just bait him into thinking he is tricking everyone. Plans are developed for how to deal with him later.
War progresses and 1 alliance gets 3 members killed on one front and another member killed on a mine. They immediately fall from frontline and begin plans to merge with LUA which is also their ally.
Venom is watched very cautiously at this point as it was suspected that he would stab and spam. Surely, that was exactly what he did however , because of prior awareness , the team quickly quells his spam bomb without any major damage. He attempts to kill a sleeping member, however the member of ILY is quickly defended and therefore Venom’s stab attempt failed. He relocates to one corner of the map. He is then conquered through a quick counter move and later joins LUA.
1 alliance disbands and joins the most active members in LUA within 24 ticks. A brand new war starts all over again.
Wars : Still on-going for 340 ticks
- JFF and DTA warred almost all era losing ground back and forth.
- ILY warred with 1 and LUA all era long plus several other planted colonies.
- XO declares war on LUA about 40 ticks ago
BRs and details to be posted later.
In summary, its been eventful. Decent activity and a few good kills and traps. Not a perfect era but still something.