Earth 4, let's do it again!

Why do I feel you are taking it personally? It’s just a game, no one even knows who you are. :smiley:


I really like seeing brs and the stories surrounding eras, and I’m happy that because of the pauses you all get the time to post stuff like this. Keep it up! :smiley:


Oh man I gotta say, this era is definitely one of the most exhausting ones I’ve played (probably because I usually stick to 1 tickers). Lots of blood in today’s update so brace yourselves:


The SE war against PLO continues. This time, he joins the alliance OOPS (previously known as HELL).

SE jumps on the opportunity to get some early kills:

Meanwhile in SA, Rotinom of PLO’s sub decides to spam all of our ops with range vehs and tanks. At the cost of some workers for rushed anti-spams, they are fended off with ease

Another suicide by the leader

And a friendly declaration of war by our friends FRND!

And yes, SE takes losses as well (for some people who apparently think we don’t just because I don’t post the full BR)

More leader kills

And a solid kill by PLO (JW had comcast internet problems and was unable to turn, but obviously that’s no excuse and we’re not complaining either)

Surprising catch on PLO:

More suicides…

And yes, MORE losses from SE

Battle of the day! A pyrhhic victory by the SE alliance:

PLOs ranged infs finally get hunted down. From SA --> AA --> Africa --> Death in Madagascar

A random kill on osiris by yours truly

Even more suiciding:

Fresh tanks on Madagascar get burned with no refunds

And finally, SE ends the day with a LD and conquer on Senpai Kazu.

GG! Tomorrow is a new day for another fight, another alliance, another continent :slight_smile:

Thanks for tuning in everyone!


End of Day 5 (Tick 486)


Loved the words “with no refunds”. Well played by both of the team. Can’t wait for tomorrow!


This era has been the most fun I’ve had on BD, wars can end within a day or two, sixteen hours to recuperate. This era was sparked by condescending diplomacy by top alliances, and yet it still continues. I will happy to keep up the pace to put them in their place. Whether a win or a loss, I will have no regrets.


Its surprisingly exhausting riiiite


I don’t know the full story, but I heard R stabbed PLO in the back. Maybe he called you a backstabber for collaborating with them?

I also don’t know the full story with R and PLO. I’m not sure what he thinks as he’s extremely dismissive and refuses to even attempt any sort of friendly discourse.

There’s nothing else I can say to a player like that other than my conscience is clear. If he was really interested in the NAP, he would’ve responded to my messages much earlier given his activity.

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A nice chill day today (other than AXIS joining then leaving the SE, R, FRND vs. OOPS war) after the mess that was the Middle East invasion yesterday…


Small kill to start the day

A random attacker requests an entrance ticket into the war but is shown the door

An AXIS member gets trapped right before their leader agrees to a peace treaty

Good kill by xman

The rest of the day was spent fortifying SE’s Asia/Europe territorial border and fending off those pesky spam attacks that make wars all the more exciting.

See everyone tomorrow!


End of Day 6 (Tick 583)


Someone Died @Misaka


holy shit what’s the story here?


Haha yes I will post the full BR in my summary when ticks pause :slight_smile:


I have the full BR :smiley:

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They attacked PLO colony, grave mistake
Basically invalidates any sims they might have made


Mistakes were made, lessons learned :sweat_smile:


Misaka not sending so


man Misaka said earlier he would post when ticks paused AND lambda already posted this. Misaka really must have got under your skin when he killed you? :stuck_out_tongue:


A rough day for SE… Enjoy the BRs :slight_smile:


More spammers to deal as SE tries to establish a foothold in Asia

MERC gets locked down and loses 100 vehs!

MERC continuing to spam with full squads:

Small kills add up :slight_smile:

The insane battle on PLO’s colony. WP OOPS! Props for the nice rushes and EOT ions. Unexpectedly destroyed what was simmed to be a victory.

Another lockdown kill on a spammer

And more spammer kills to end the day.

With both sides taking heavy losses, SE falls back to rebuild while R continues the push.

In other news, M took over Australia in 1 day! Anyone from M alliance care to share their BRs and kills? I crave blood!