Earth 4, let's do it again!

This is a big issue… BD should consider this, thanks

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Agree with this. @Simmen perhaps this could be considered?

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What about having wednesdays and sundays completely off?

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Honestly, I think the customization allowed on this era, has made it possible for people to play BD and enjoy real life. I think for taking days off there would need to be a vote…and some people only have weekends to play. But, if people want to have a day off that could be nice too. It might be hard for the admin though as the pause would not be preset I don’t think, but I may be wrong on that.


As someone that was active for 99% of the time when ticks are rolling, I can definitely say that it gets exhausting, even with the pauses.

There’s barely any time to plan or strategize while ticks are rolling, not to mention there’s diplomacy to deal with as well.

The only thing keeping me going was my team and not wanting to let them down.

I believe 2 days of pauses would be a great idea. I like the idea of a weekday and a weekend. However, there should 100% be a community vote on this.


it takes me 2 hours to take a shower. i’d be dead several times over by the time i finish


stop beating your meat then and simply take only the shower


Rofl that is why you get 16 hour pauses…to take a shower but for 8 hours you can’t even pee. Lol

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And I can’t forget how PLO and I rages every EOT when we see someone getting nuked or attacked and isn’t on time to pull. We, honestly, did international calls more than ever xD

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@Angelwings @aliarabat @Kaen @Misaka @drawmysoul @byt411 @raihansaff @Bazzy @Rank