Earth 3 - Era 124: Return of the Poo

Yo anyone care to update your friendly neighborhood Halo on what has just happened

I literally went to McDonalds for two ticks to get a Double Quarter Pounder and our strongest ally imploded.

c’mon man D:


@Teaa showed some screenies and everything go to hell.

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Jesus H fucking christ this is disgraceful. Halo posts some fire memes and you lot bury it in bickering, unacceptable.



I mean I told him I missed him tho :frowning:

This weird Sayer guy keeps coming out with some research and studies out of his ass tho




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Too much drama, I am going to sleep on my island for the rest of the era.


So I’ve heard 3 to 4 different stories on what’s happening… I’ll hold off on accusing people until we have a good understanding of who’s our friend and who’s an evil spawn of satan :upside_down_face:

I’ll be your friend on my island xx

…please tell me im wrong


For all our homies in the coalition wondering

I’m gonna take an educated guess with all the stories I’ve received and say Ownage

and Neptune

are the plants who refused to fight Boo’s team and left AA

Everyone else on AA are able to be trusted. JW xD is innocent and there were fabrications in the story to make him seem like the bad guy.

That’s the best I got and what we’re (TECS) working off of right now

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Bruh why can’t your enemies be your homies too?

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Im a member of AA and made this post to let everybody know what was the reasons (or at least what they told me) that broke up the team.

But first a joke:

Poo died on CE, and are dying on E4

End of the joke

Nightfurry = @JW
Mother PoopiedHead = @Teaa = Nopy ( Untrusted player )
Adversarius = @Ad

The screenies @Teaa sent to Neptune & @Ad:

After that Neptune & @Ad Accused @JW (our leader) for sold us with Poo, then @JW kicked them from the team.

Plus the screenies Neptune & @Ad argued that @JW made a different chasis (which is true) and He didn’t joined the fight (mostly true but others members did not joined also).

Also @Ad and @JW have had unsolved situations from others eras.

We need to take on count that Neptune & @Ad and others in out team are friend with Nopy.

In my opinion there is no proof enough to say @JW sold us, and I know he didn’t get any reds from Poo, so all this situation were provoked by @Teaa probably to have a free win and don’t have to care about this era.

At the end I can just say that Poo is dead in CE and diying in E4 :smiley:


After all those ss you gave out - somehow you end up making a storyline out of your mind. Amazing.

Oscar goes to Solo. Well not 1st place in e3 but you got an oscar. Gz Solo :slight_smile:


Yo bro! Thank you for this post, it really helped clear some important questions up

I learned that

  1. JW xD is a coward and blows tops players for blues.

  2. Ad and Neptune may have been slightly justified in leaving AA after seeing those screenies

  3. The members of AA and ASIA who fought vs Poo will have their place in Valhalla

  4. Nopy is a good strategist who understands he can win battles without using units.

  5. TECS may not be WNF, but they certainly have a place in my heart.

Things were going literally perfect until JW xD’s true colors were shown. I feel bad for 2SkoopRice and Dusk who went so hard for a leader who wouldn’t do the same. Pathetic.

Anyway, hopefully the anti-Boo coalition can rally again. The map territory is about an even split.


bro send me your Skype through DM on E3 and we can chat!

I’m friends with everyone on this game that’s cool and doesn’t spam me weird youtube links lol

There is no joke but you here mate with your 5 iq logic.

First of all Poo isn’t on CE? Each member in Poo this E3 is in a different alliance on CE and if you are talking about the alliance me and Nopy are in we aren’t dead yet XD And we didn’t play E4 either Nopy just wanted a bit of trolling and he was the only one that played.

Secondly hahahahaha omg so your leader begs for 2nd and you have a disagreement in your alliance yet you still find a way to blame Poo for it? XDD for a free era you say? I mean fighting against you still counts like a free era mate


From my previous experience, he would do anything for reds or for potential reds. Even if hes not paid, he would do something to appease top players and then ask for reds afterwards. Very slimy creature. He is one of the characters i learned to never trust


keep targeting people about iq and stuff whille you have practically low iq around 95-105 range . and weird sayer guy coming abt his reserch and stuff? its just common knowledge idiot , i had faced many liers earlier so i had to look into that stuff … ‘weird’ is a good word to mislead people … Why am I weird for telling the truth abt you guys , is this not democracy ?