Earth 3 - Era 115

Fuck Gaurav

#report me


Love you as well Jazz

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be glad that they got removed else it would be a pain in the ass to edit to rank 9 now :joy::rofl:


As a Biologist, I’m going to point out you are fairly stupid for equating brain size with critical thinking ability. Crows are one of the most intelligent animals, period. Macaques and Magpies are some of the few groups of animals that have been demonstrated to possess self-awareness. Not to mention birds are one of the few animals that create and use tools to extend their own limitations of bodily function.

You tried to insult me (jokingly) using something in my wheelhouse, that turned out to be a real peabrain move.


What about parrots bro, they can talk right?


Macaques are parrots, basically.

‘Talking’ in itself isn’t a sign of intelligence and I wouldn’t consider mimicry intelligence either.


okee thank you thats very interesting actually


Did I not say it was a joke? How much clearer can I be. Sigh

Come on Guarav, you aren’t that stupid. Stop trying to play innocent. A joke is not 2 sentences with liberal use of parenthesis to try to have plausible deniability. A joke does not need to be explained as a joke.

What you did is actually a rhetorical device used to mention something without having the balls to own it.

“Apophasis is a sly debater’s trick, a way of sneaking an issue into the discussion while maintaining plausible deniability. It should come as no surprise, then, that the roots of apophasis lie in the concept of denial”

That is why I think idiots who say It was just a “joke” are morons at best.


This is not the type of flaming and smack talk I was hoping for when I logged in…


Would you prefer u suxxxxx blah blah noobs


Oh I don’t deny that I believe that your last few posts and the topic you created picture you in a terrible light. They are such nonsensical posts, especially the one regarding Trajic and Antrax. Brain size =/= complex thought, birds being just one of many examples of this. We can look at rodents for one of the most popular examples of this. My joke regarding your brain being pea sized was exactly that, it was a play on your image of a crow and its brain size. Yes it doesn’t actually fit the point I was trying to make, but it wasn’t supposed to.

Also I expected an update from @Uchi on this era after what looks like a turn of events on E3. Slacking my man

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Tick 620

Kool still has slight power lead on UhOh but with Devin joining OwK the balance is in their favor. Uhmm has pretty much been eviscerated looking at territory maps. Idk what KGB are doing or what NSFW are doing either.



Since no one was posting these BR’s so i thought of posting them, UhOh has lost 5 armies recently and all at once but they were from 2 different alliances.
Team Jason’s kill on UhOh

This was a close battle for both the teams, UhOh got trapped due to Bane’s fault (he got stuck with the puffin advertisement when ALP told him to turn), lets hope team Jason rebuilds fast and we see them on the fields again and same with UhOh.
Team Uchi’s kill

Felipe and Yaz dying in this BR.
This was a good battle for team uchi since they only lost tank armours which they can rebuild super fast.
KOOL has managed to take NA-SA completely
uhmm is restricted to aussie right now.

WAR Fronts
UK and Saudia seem to be the war fronts right now or i might be wrong
some screenshots

we can see @Seaweed falling back for a full nights sleep xD.

Lots of salt going on the broadcastes aswell…


Thanks excel and abdul for update
UhOh had the power lead a few ticks before the screenshot, around 1500 if i remember correctly.
KOOL is a member short. Ummm has been 1-3 members short recently, makes no difference as only 4 Ummm members are the only ones defending and fighting back
UhOh had spies in both KOOL and Ummm feeding info
UhOh actived their spies and had them backstab both KOOL and Ummm from the inside
Devin/Praxis stabs KOOL. YinYang/Bilal? stabs Ummmm
Plus some OwK spammers are starting to wake up and have entered Africa
yeah total “gangbang”
5 armies from UhOh recently killed. 2 by KOOL and 3 by Ummm
War rages on.



I love this game :slight_smile:


no fair. im not playing much :confused:

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Bane: plants almost every e1 and doesnt go ftw as it would require too much effort and activity.
Also Bane: plays a 3 ticker ftw


Don’t forget the part where he throws a tantrum in e1 for encroaching too close to Svalbard and for getting mad at him when he takes in a refugee from a defeated alliance

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