Earth 3 - Era 115

An actually fun and salty era without me playing? How depressing.


I’ve even fucking gotten messages asking to place and spam in this era.

You ALL are what is wrong with BD.

(Also MFW I see Traj on a team with ANTRAX and Co. once again going purely for medal-whoring)


lmao i’ve seen worse gang bangs but never have i seen the leader of said team make a forum post for pity.
But then what more to expect from uchi the great :slight_smile:


Hahahaha sazukee is coming


Be most afraid of his wallet and the legions of idiots at his bidding who are waiting for some trickle down economics.


what do u mean “forum post for sympathy”? he’s just calling out the guys who are getting spammers into the game. The ones who are being targetted seem to be saying whatever they want, just so they feel good about themselves. Meh


also, the way u assume that these ppl are the same ppl blaming the admins is ridiculous…do u have proof for this? how do u know they are the same ppl blaming admins?


Wait, so Rank 1 and Rank 3 continue to fight after Rank 2 naps. Rank 1 plants an alliance in the middle of rank 2 territory and rank 2 here comes saying rank 1 is crying? If rank 2 doesn’t stab rank 1, then those plants will have nothing to do. If rank 2 does attack rank 1, then 1 1/2(since it’s a brand new team) vs 2 would be sorta even no? I really don’t get the point of this post besides just wanting to talk about the era.

If anything rank 3 shoulda been the one crying here about being ganged up on before rank 2 made peace.


Who said rank 1 is crying? im giving the facts from my point of view, i encouraged everyone else comment and give their take instead everyone gets butthurt

Um yeah, sorta the point of a forum right?

Pity? Sympathy? I always make threads when era gets interesting, this is nothing new
I cant tell if youre trolling or just plain stupid

You guys forget this is a game, you take it too serious
Yea the plants are annoying af and pathetic but pretty cool at the same time, not often do so many big names drop like this, last time i remember would be when 4E took names like antrax/phil/psi and the planted and killed them
Sounds like it could become a great era right? I wonder who else will plant.


it means exactly what it sounds like lol. “welp we got gangbanged”

im not one of them, im only on e5. i just happen to know how much full of shit uchi really is :slight_smile:


I mean no one gets the benefit of the doubt on these forums, including myself. Your post seemed to intend to garner some sympathy regarding these “plants in the middle of your territory” combined with the fact that some of your members + others are here crying foul.

If you really believe that

then I’d suggest you talk to your team about this viewpoint also
And yes this era seems like it’ll either be a fun one or will just be a reverse gangbang, we’ll wait to see. Someone give me a spot to plant and watch please, thx


lmao how is planting 400 ticks late into the era to probably have to fight against the odds “medal-whoring”?

This post and your topic has me concerned about what’s going up there in your (forgive me this but couldn’t pass up the opportunity) pea sized brain. (birds have small brains. get it? lol and I don’t mean it.)


Sorry for triple posting but something that I feel should be mentioned.

It wasn’t until Jason mentioned what’s going on in this era in our WoW Skype chat that I nor Leo even knew what was going on. I read 30 planters etc yet no one in Psi team said anything in the larger friend chats that we have. I’m sure Dz talked to Traj and he or she went and pmed a few folks to plant with him but there’s a reason even he doesn’t have a full alliance planted. There’s this widespread misconception that exists about “T” that I find hilarious. Hell CWL planted more people quicker because of this forum topic than T has.


Pochan isnt in my team
I said i gave my pov, if my team wants to give theirs they can tf lol
Where are you guys getting sympathy from lol guys pulling shit out your asses
I feel yall mad for being exposed for planting spammers when yall talk big smack when others do it and have no response for it then saying im freaking out or looking for sympathy?
good job!
Thats a new deflecting tactic xD


I clearly mentioned

Pochan being the other.

Hey if it’s truly not sympathy then thank you for making the topic and I look forward to reading about it as it goes. In regards to the spammers, I mean they’ve all joined one team “OwK” and would be making it 1 1/2 vs 2 teams (if you join rank 3 vs rank 1). So I’ve nothing to be mad about or deflect. My first post mentioned the planters and what their role will probably be lol(how is that deflection?)


Let make this very clear, we planted after seeing the forum post about this era and it seemed to be a fun one, packed of action.
Yes, by uchi’s post it seemed that rank 1 was ganging and still using planters but after reading all these posts by you and others, I think it’s pretty much leveled right now.
We will continue watching the era and zzzz
Don’t think we have the stamina to troll someone or even log once a day
Have a good era guys, may the best side win
Goodluck :slight_smile:


didnt you say you only had 15 days to play? now what… you’re playing e3. smh

antrax is hilarious talking about choka even though she hasn’t typed “” in her browser for the past 9 years

50 year old virgin cant get over an internet girl

as for the rest of you

yeah, those definitely are plants lolol
good luck guys
take down psi
he wins too much, give him a challenge :smiley:

just dont bitch too hard on these forums

and btw

how come abdul can say “cunt” and not get banned off forums but i spam im the rank 8 boat and i get banned???

C’mon now…


I’m the hottest you nub and also Gaurav’s multi, go away !


Thank you for bringing it to my attention. We do have a flag system you know that you can use if you see a post that believe is inappropriate.

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oh, i did not know that. thanks
