Earth 2 The Ultimate Showdown

@alexanderBD and @itsame are maybe the biggest clowns in BD. What a pro army they built :joy::joy: GG idiots

Black Bull and African D you seem cool, sorry those 2 idiots your playing with ruined your era :yum:

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Damn! What kind of a shitty build is that!! :face_vomiting::nauseated_face::poop:

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It was meant to be farmed tsk tsk, missing r4s.

Bruh we quit long ago. Imagine being so proud of yourself for winning with a nuke after we all stopped logging in for like 50 ticks (have screenshots). And yeah it’s a very shitty build I guess, which is why you didn’t manage one kill against us until we finally quit.

Correction, I asked my friend about it and our legend Bob needed 2 nukes to kill our armies sitting on an op with no vision and spy protection, 30-40 ticks after we all stopped logging in.

People still play the game?

smh, all noobs

Had no idea there was a thread for this era had been a while since I last checked forums.
Here you go some BR’s on BGP/242

XP vs XP

Locked and Disbanded

and several small skirmishes on both sides

LoL BP deserved it, Iceslaves ftw!

BD is so dead ppl are posting BRs of killing BP :rofl: .
I think this is the lowest point in bd history.


Well I only planted to level some unsettled things with BP. Now with everything sorted it’s good to see some old players still around and watching. Hope you’re all doing well in life and making $$

fighting against iceman when i want to quit def don’t worth my time

I came back at the worst time it seems. Wish I coulda been here for this lol. Better than what seems to be going on the other servers.

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LOL, haven’t you guys joined BP slaves (242) to hoard ribbons and medals from a dead era? And now that he lost, you throw him cheap shots How ironic. YOU GUYS SUCKS

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You lost to me. And would of lost to me and yash on m2 but had 30 people plant .

Bp was never good. He was smart but not good. Planted on me “wolverine” for 10 eras straight with at least 20 people .