So this era is turning out to be a lot more fun then i had though.
As a lot of you ppl know i like to plant waste some reds and troll people because im horrible at the game
Anyway not that long ago, in the big skype ( most active players are in it, if you are not hit me up and ill add you in ) @NeutronX was asking for a challenge.
at the time no one wanted to face him, and he was acting high and mighty.
Kent heard about this during the M3 event, and asked NeutronX where to plant so they could figth, NeutronX pussied out and then the great idea sprong forth.
As Neutron is planted and in the rank 1 alliance on E3, Kent gathered together people that wanted to fight them and this is what happend:
The era is far from over, but at the moment its super pepega. and most of the times i cant belive my eyes when i see the lvl of plays this guys are pulling off.
Valor attacked the colony of uhm at a diffrent eta then his team just to die alone…
also they are probably going to make a come back talking about how we got a lot of spammers and so on.
we are currently 6 players or so that planted 3 days ago or if you want 400 ticks late, + the inactive members that was all ready planted 11 guys in total 5 of them swapped out coz super inactive.
Can i also add it seems IK, rank 12 team are 6 ppl planted in our hive to help the rank 1 team.
i must say it dont really seem like NeutronX wants a challange tbh seems he baby raging about not getting his free win.
and sttabed us. Some ppl say he just said that to stab us, others says 1st team really paid 'em, idk what happened. But in the end both started attacking Meow.
i think you misunderstood, they got paid to stab.
i believe its the stabbing part most ppl are mad about, not the reds part.
and its fun coz its a decent amount of reds, PPG really would need them self rn to rebuild xD
please do not be mad this is just how life is, ppg are wealthy in the real world and your alliance is not, your guy only counter offer 800 reds, that is just life, but it is okay because you guys are very active and kicking my butt, keep fighting my friend
IK is planted of their own accord although I did ask Gage to plant after seeing the number of planters ya’ll brought. I haven’t asked IK to lift a single finger. Unlike the 6 planters I’ve relocated around my colony plus , Meh alliance , NUF alliance etc which you guys brought to feed and fight for your sorry asses.
PPG did not pay a single dime to anyone. I don’t even have reds let alone pay someone. @Shanks enough of the jokes bruh lol
You (@MikotoSouh et al) can keep posting and talking big on here. History is always written by the winners so you guys better beat me. Otherwise all this will turn into a string of lame excuses.