CE Trash Talk. Bring the salt

Nah they ran. They didn’t follow my example and pussied out instead :crying_cat_face:

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I saw your pets MINE are ioning i thought they aren’t in your coalition
trash talking noob


runners? we the only manly team i remember HINI dodging bd2 3 times am i wrong ?


So manly, hun…don’t forget to get your team to show us their man boobs :wink: hehe love ya


You’re welcome

char limit


Correct me if I’m wrong, I believe Woof is no longer warring HINI.


You may be correct - just seeing HINI conq a member or two still but not seeing any fighting. Guessing they brokered some sort of agreement giving up the relic and a member or two for peace.


Fecking finally, I am glad it only took for Asia to be dismantled for anyone to notice.

WOOF never was, from what I was told WOOF has done NOTHING to help their coalition.

Apparently the mentality goes that it’s Felipe’s fault that people war them in a game who’s name starts with “BATTLE” and ends with “DAWN”.

WOOF’s answer to being attacked? Do nothing to die faster. Impressive!

Round of applause to WOOF everybody.


You are biased here. They did make their best and they tried their hardest. Also the game isnt only about BATTLE and DAWN is also about strategy diplomacy and tactics.

Btw about BATTLE and DAWN - i heard voices saying AM didnt keep their camps - aside @Teaa <3 and maybe some more?


Woof fought well all era. This is another dumb statement made on the forums.


And this post is a lie according to people who are actually in charge of Asia.

Also, if they didn’t fight in this last war, how is that “all era”?

I think every team that has stayed alive up to this point has seen a varying degree of era long conflict. Everyone has put in a ton of effort, so I respect anyone who unfortunately has to tap out here.


Glad to hear it from the ultimate authority on loyalty and not some alliance hopper… :crazy_face:


They fought in this war up until 72 ticks ago.


To believe Youssef and Felipe or to believe Gaurav.

Someone’s lying here.

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If I recall correctly, from a WOOF member I spoke to in the past, some of their members didn’t even know each other prior to CE, and the fact they coordinated so well and played so well from the start is impressive. They also said they were never ftw so give them a break. Correct me if i’m wrong here.

An actual applause from my part to WOOF.


Oh I see what’s happening here, the good old pretend to be friends with the people we just killed to induce stockholm syndrome on them so they can help us kill NA and we have a reason to look away from them.

Good to see it’s got nothing to do with WOOF and everything to do with furthering your own goals lmao

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Do I look like someone who’s playing ftw to you? I literally suicided my army just for fun a few days ago. I couldn’t care less who wins or loses this era. I’m standing up for a friend here, that’s all. You’re incredibly overanalyzing this.

I am free to defend my friends even if we’re not playing in the same team. Hope that’s not an issue :slight_smile:

Edit: salt goes to the salt thread, so if you feel like retorting with more accusations please do so there.

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WOOF is so brave for not participating at all in the war because they were part of that one time NA was outnumbered, or that one time WAR was outnumbered, or that other time AT suicided into AM again and outnumbered AT at that time.

WOOF is awe inspiring now for quitting on their friends because of past meaningless deeds.

I agree with you. Just stating a fact that they didn’t participate in the war at all.

They did, though. We were fighting WOOF from China on up. They held us pinned in China with BD2 and CwL for awhile, until we were able to break through with the help of SHIP and Apex(BYZ). WOOF fought most of the war, to be honest.