BD has turned into bs cheating

I love bd very much since i started playing when I was 13.Seems for some reason though the game has shifted from a strategy game to a plain cheat to win/pay to win game letting people place just to hinder a rival seems like just cheating just to make ones situation advantageous. Now I know this has happened in the past but shouldn’t we evolve the game.


I think it is fair, to an extent, everyone can find a friend to plant. can they not?


Hey mate welcome to .com
Where having friends > being skilled. Honestly what killed the game


cheating was far worse back in the day lmao. and when you overcome scum plays like planters, you feel a lot better when you are victorious. But yeah, always sucks to get planted on


100% agree with you troxas


hmmm I played back in the day in top alliances and Team viewer was used a lot but planting to hinder other’s not seen too much most alliances had atleast 2-3 subs so if someone planted good luck subs would just deal with it

nowadays though with how few people play one active person planting to hinder another alliance is toxic to gameplay is


I could but would I to take away from the experience…no


Sooo having 2-3 subs to deal with is a fair and even battlefield? Isn’t that also having friends > being skilled?

I agree planters are very annoying and the game should at least try to have measures against them. But these tricks in old BD were more prevalent. It’s just that subs have become so mainstream that they are accepted as part of the game now. I expect planting will too if given enough time and no counter-measures.

This, however, does not mean I support planting. It sucks and would love to see smth be done about it.


Thing about subs is atleast I see them I know they’re there and I can account for them I agree even back then subs were seen as gross but it was mostly filled with nubs because there were a lot of players back then with maybe a few decent players in them

The planting now is someone who full on knows the game knows what to do most likely can boost and will plant right next to you admins will see this and say “fair gameplay”


As I said, subs have been in the game so long they are basically part of the game now. I agree thought, sometimes the planters even boost just to mess with people hard. This is a problem that measures should be taken against.


Ironically you brush over TV or account sharing when imo it is far more destructive. One person boosting on you can be dealt with rather easily, even if it costs a lot of resources/attention. A team using TV is pretty aids, especially if the team has some if not all good players in it. Playing against a decently well rested team who are all 100% active is far worse.

Best idea to stop being planted on is hunting down the people who plant on you and plant on them, and coming to a mutual understanding that one cannot target the other like that. Just grab a group of friends and target your tormenters in their future eras :smiley:


It always was a cheating fest, its just all of us who stayed have accepted it and most of the times it doesnt even bother us, it is there it was there it will always be there.


Planter’s are only annoying when folks don’t pay attention and don’t know how to deal with them honestly. It takes HOURS at minimum for them to be able to create the structures needed to attack you with anything aside from armor units. If you don’t have ANYONE scanning around the map and no one noticed a random new colony that’s unconquered or under protection in your territory, then shame on you. You can tell the difference between AI and actual planters (look at achievements). If you let them build up in your territory with nothing to deal with it, then that was just silly on your part. Folks always think they need 100% of their army on the frontlines at all times. Heck, if every teammate leaves 1 squad behind, you got 10 squads at your disposal for defensive purposes only. And I know absolutely NO planter who can create 10 squads to spam you suddenly. Only if you LET them build without preparing will they hit you hard. Even if boosting.

Now without a doubt, they are annoying and a bit cheap. But only those who aren’t prepared get crippled by them. At worst, they should only shut down a tiny bit of your network (and hopefully you send enough to actually deal with them and take it back). And one of the BIGGEST things about BD is the ability to bluff and deceive your enemy. On defenses they should have absolutely NO clue if you pulled a few squads back if you play your cards right. Just leave some spams for bluff defenses (and don’t let them spam you for intel). If your network gets crippled by planters, it means you didn’t make your network right. Every seems to have this silly notion that if they have to pull back, it means they lost already. But less territory means it’s easier to cover yours and easier to set up traps.


that was very well said


I defy anybody to write a clear definition of a plant colony or a sub that I can’t come up with a loophole for.

Prize: 100 blues


A colony entirely made from plants. Its 2019 Tom, look to the future


Any sort of entity, being a colony, that is asked to plant, or plants for there own enjoyment, to harm, hinder, or be a jack ass to any other player(s) Whatever they may choose to call themselves. Planters include subs, Being an alliance involved with another alliance in a friendly manner. A sub can be independent or with others. They can spam, make ops, support in war or just sit and build, but they have a relation in some way to another team.





i hate you in a special way now


Yo for real, this though. Anybody remember fucking POB? Nothing like 30-accounts moving 100% in-sync 24/7/365 even while you knew they were asleep (throwback to that time ‘Gelai Mesa’ and I played together on an F2 and he was asleep but his account on F3 was trying to harass me alongside a POB-sub).

Biggest issue now is sub-empires. People like a sense of security and to not feel weak, and I get that, but there’s truly only a select few left who give 0 fucks and are just playing for fun. I don’t understand how they (the people at the top of the sub empires, looking at you Traj/PLO/Psi/etc.etc.etc.) get any form of enjoyment out of the game now; it’s like they are just around to circle-jerk themselves and stroke their egos on an online game.

Needing friends to help you win IS part of the game, that’s diplomacy. Needing 30 people for protection is just kind of sad and defeats the purpose of a war-game. There’s no real way to stop sub-empire building, really, but to continue to shame those at the top for being weak little pansies who can’t fight their own battles and to discourage new players from wanting that form of protection by showing them you don’t need to join a family to have fun.

Also, it’s low-key kind of fun to be a spammer and see how much damage you can do before you get squashed. I’ve had some of my favorite times on BD doing that.