I started playing BD in OC 2007/2008, with 9 random Brazilians… We were all in Brazil, funny shit… I used to look at the Old HoF to see our alliance in the second page in our last era together. After that era few of us kept playing, then the NC came and just me and Skx kept playing. I was not a talk active guy, maybe that was the cause I never went to forum or get a good team to play with. I used to plant and play alone, I kept playing alone for like 1-2 years, I really loved the game.
Then I saw Skx doing good in Prr (Niracas’ team), he asked me to take over his acc cuz he couldn’t play anymore… I was in the MupT era, fucking best era of all time.
For those who does not know which era was that :
MupT's Era
After that era I noticed what Family was and I wanted to make part of one, but how a guy that do not talk to anyone will achieve that? Was not easy, but I had to do my best every time in every era I played, I wanted to get attention. That was my way to talk to someone, showing my skills.
It was on an E1 era, I was in SA in a random team, NA team had Gary/Aazaadx, Redwurm and few others great players from that time. I managed to outplay them in multiple situations as get bigger with conquers. Then I got a message from Gary, saying how good I was and wanted to recruit me into his team. That era we got slaughtered by ARM, ARMT, ARMX… ARMA to ARMZ. Was when I noticed that Family was not the only thing BD had, but Empires.
We played the era after together again, I met many people, some nice folks. But I still was not talk active. Managed to get #1 as a player with them (1 Era before the current HoF came alive, I cried haha).
So after that I’ve played in SHRK, xKTx, Prr, ARM (It was the era @Gaurav mentioned, fuck u G) and few others I can’t remember now. I was a main member of xKTx, the only alliance I managed to stay for a long time till they started retiring. My idol Kent (Morgan of Mas). Then, it was me playing with random guys, meeting others folks and starting talking to ppl (finally).
Few years ago I made OwK (Cuz I was tired of playing with randoms and wanted to do something), it was not a “family” at the beginning, was made mostly by old enemies I used to recruit as I was defeating them… (I liked to play against everyone in multiple eras and then recruit them to get 'em to improve), @Leobratce was the only one I invited without fighting against. It was our fate to be together. Time passed and some of us were turning into a true friends, but it didn’t last longer as they started retiring (again).
Nowadays I’m a lonely wolf, played few eras with some enemies in the past as @Alfie (really homo guy, but great at the same time) and few others and now I’m just playing mostly with my remaining friends when they ask me to as Gaurav, Leo, Djina, trajic and others or when PLO plants and is a dick so I gotta avenger the kids being bullied. (except the eras I fought @trajic1 and @Djina , they’re evils friends, they have no mercy, say they love you then stab you in ur heart, keep that in mind). So for me now, having friends and being able to call them family are the real thing that keep us here playing… Look at Djina and trajic we love, we fight then we love again, thats what a family does or should do.
And replying the title of the topic, Families are awesome, as I had said, I come to Skype just to check around, talk to them and have some fun, I can say I got more real friends in the game than outside of it. And I still have the will to make another team or make part of a fixed team, where we can get along and play era after era. When I be back, I might do that… Already got few names and few ppl that wanna play.
Sorry for the long text, It could be longer but I decided not to lol.