BattleDawn Championship Era 3

He was in Sexy , joined temporarily in HuGs and he left after a day? I mean since you dont know the inside story maybe you sssh and dont talk 2 much?

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Amakar also claimed that just before he lost army someone logged into his account to make it look obvious that he was online at the time of being farmed and intentionally took the battle. A very bold claim tbh.



I’m just curious. How many times are you guys going to bring up the same point without any substance? You’re just spouting out accusations because it looks suspicious on your end, when in all reality you’re very misguided.

If you worked as hard at the game as you guys do crafting up bitchy excuses you might not be so salty at your predicament. Whatever tf that may be.

BR’s anyone?

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by the way, Omerta is Milan


Yes ban them for getting their asses trapped the first time they went to war with sexy causing Omerata to relocate to save an army!!! How dare the meat shields ion nukes and take almost all of middle AA from us!!! How dare the MeatshieldS and xp farms lock down and kill a squad on the cusp of r4!! Oh wait nvm, let’s just convientiely leave that all that out cause they aren’t nothing more than “meatshields” yeh? Grow up mate.

Edit: Just realised It was Rambo who used the term meatshield not bill, but still rant makes makes sense to me, apoligise for any grammar or spelling mistakes, woke up to do a move and saw this dumb sh**

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So did he get banned for being a “farm” or sharing account?

As per him he said he was “hacked” . As I said very bold claim.

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Wait what? Milan is back? Very intriguing

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I wouldn’t be surprised, when we were killing them the 1st time, the leader got changed, disbanded alliance and 4 of them got online, tried to trap us on origin(suceeded) and we had to relocate to save our squads. Later they joined HuGs and that made me kinda mad ( Hini asked for 1 guy to be sparred since its their rl friend) what I did, but then they recruited all 4.

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I swear that Haris is secretly Milan’s girlfriend.

Why do you know everything related to Milan?


It would make sense; he is the reason MODE, one of their enemies, is dead.


aww rip failed gif…




Smaller kill by dodge. Not much but all we really got :joy:



Thank you good sir @Crusnik


lies lmao, i called this guy before the tick milan farmed him, he literally declined my call read my msgs and ignored lol.


Can you give us the info that you have to confirm your words? Or just another “capo” joke?


I would be if either of you had a big PP.


Okay, so I’ve got something I need to get off my chest so here goes nothing.

I’m thrilled about this era. There are more teams, more active players, more boosting, more skill, and more intensity than there has ever been before. I think it’s showcasing BD at its extreme, with people clawing their way back after being defeated, coalitions rising and falling, 30 man spy OPs, and barely room to move forcing you to be strategic and tactical constantly. It feels like all these years BD was on practice wheels, and this era is where it shines like it was meant to. I also feel like no one expected this before CE started. Matching CE2 in terms of teams, boosting and fighting would have been amazing, I think an era that would be even better is something that no one saw coming.

In my opinion this era is simply too good to be decided by tick limit. It would be a huge disservice to everyone, and most of all to the end of BD1, to have this championship era won by simply running the clock out, by incentivizing people to camp the last 1000 ticks, by settling for a non-win because the era was too short. Can you imagine just how bad it would look if BD1 ended (and BD2 started) with everyone pissed off about how this final era went? Going into the era, no one had expected competition to be this fierce, so there was sense to this tick limit. Everyone can see now that this era isn’t taking long because people are dragging it out, but that there is simply much more competition than was expected by anyone.

Because of all this, I would propose to force this era to have champions, to force people to take risks, to make it clear you can’t win this era by camping. I propose to take away the tick limit on this era, to have an actual win on this final championship and greatest round, to end BD1 with a bang rather than a whimper.


164 posts were merged into an existing topic: Extention of CE ( 4000+ ticks )