Propaganda Wars!

Thats an incredibly ignorant view point. Outside of Vietnam, the US has yet to fight a war purely for American interest.

I dont like to condescending and what not, but the soldiers on the ground dont care about political interest. Soldiers just wanna help and Marines just wanna kill. None of us cared at all about what politicians wanted.

All the stuff about America wanting oil or America wanting land is pointless, politicians and generals dont fight wars. And the US fighting men are the good guys. Yea, their a couple bad apples as in every group. But the vast majority of them are the good guys.

Are you going to tell me U.S intelligence lying to the world and the American people about Hussein possessing weapons of mass destruction was in the interest of anything but making money for the country? We invaded iraq purely to make more money. I am not going to say that the soldiers were in on it of course, they enlisted because they, like the rest of the country, thought they were fighting to defend the freedom of themselves and the people of Iraq. However it should be clear to anyone with a knowledge of recent history that U.S foreign policy has purely been conducted in the interest of gathering more money since vietnam

How people did Hussein torture? How many civilians did he gas?

Im sorry, were you not aware of the horrible, Hitler like actions Hussein did?

Not defending Hussein. He was evil as evil gets. But we did not enter the war to free the people of Iraq, as seen by the over 100,000 civilian deaths (at the lowest estimate!! Since government does not accurately report). If the war was to end husseins tyranny, then why did the U.S falsify intelligence reports of dangerous weapons being held by Iraq? Not to mention that we took no time in actually ensuring the next leader was a good one- we just left a power vaccuum, and did not even give an effort to let the Iraqi people choose their own leader.

The infantry from the US DID enter the war to kill Hussein and liberate the people of Iraq. Just because the politicians and generals had other motives, doesnt mean the boots on the ground shared them. The guys actually fighting the war were liberators.

But this was never the argument! Nobody has ever argued that the generals or soldiers are evil or good or anything. This is you projecting it into the conversation.

Nations do not wage war for morals. They wage war for national interests.

This was the point that was being made. Why are you going elsewhere with it?

I would be in the few who believe veterans are deserved their respect but you make it extremely hard to. . . I’ve seen others insulting you and the service in forums and looked down on it, but you don’t help the case at all.

That is exactly what I am saying
Not trying to say the soldiers were fighting for oil stocks.
The war was set in motion for oil stocks

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And im saying that politicians have nothing to do with war. Nations do not wage war. Battles are waged by soldiers.

The original argument was people trying to say both sides in WW2 were bad and there are no good guys in war. Which is straight a lie. The soldiers of the western powers were the good guys. The American, British, Canadian, French and Australian soldiers who marched into concentration camps and freed prisoners were the good guys.

There was not a SINGLE good guy on the side of the Nazis or the Japanese. In acts of genocide, association is guilt. They all knew what was going on, the good ones fled and fought against them. Ignore my military service, there was little honorable or good about what i did and I dont say otherwise. It has nothing to do with this conversation.

why did you say out of vietnam only? you forgot to add Iraq

I guess you arnt aware of the things Hussein was doing? Its cool, alot of it got lost to history. Alot of people seem to forget that Hussein was looking like another Hitler, and rather than wait for him to kill tens of millions, we put him down early. We learned our lesson and we try not to let genocidal madmen have the opportunity to kill millions.

The only we did in Vietnam was spark a pointless civil war that should never have happened. Their was no madman trying to butcher his own people, no gas attacks on civilians, no flaying of corpses and hanging them from bridges.

You’re delusional, and this topic, or trying to speak logic and sense into you, is pointless.


Lmao wtf, I am 100% #TeamCody here, and half of our personal disagreements in the past were semi-political in origin.

WTF are you smoking, Seth, that the military isn’t testing you for? Bath salts?

Ayyyy lmao, look in a mirror at the USA. It’s literally what our country was founded on, genocide and stealing land. We still do it to this day, just the methods have changed to give idiots like you talking-points to try to defend American jingoism.

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Yea, America was built has a bed of bones and fertilized with blood. And then we learned and progressed and now we dont go around committing genocide anymore. Whats your point? That 100 years before WW2 the US were the bad guys? No one is arguing that.

The argument is about the Nazis and the imperial Japanese being the bad guys and the western powers being the good guys of WW2. And all any of you can do is say , well war is bad. But thats just not true. Putting an end the Nazis and the imperials was not a bad thing, and the tactics used were completely justifiable.

Please explain to me a time when the US was putting millions of people in camps and exterminating them like roaches. I would love to have this thrown in my face, cause I am apparently terribly misinformed.

Personally, I consider our border control to be genocide. There has been essentially no help from the federal government to Native American reservations during the COVID pandemic (The impact of COVID-19 on Native American communities), which once again I would say is genocide. These are modern-day things.

I don’t know how to combat your hottest of hot takes, truly an intellectual point of view, that Hitler was bad. I can’t believe nobody has ever said this before! It’s such a controversial opinion! You are so brave!

I didn’t know that someone had to be worse than the worst modern genocide to be labelled as ‘bad’! Whew, I’m glad they set the bar high for the USA then if all we have to do is point to 75 years ago and say “look! We were good once! Ignore all these other times we invaded countries for no reason!”

Literally one of the dumbest fucking things I have ever read. You ever heard of chain of command? Buddy, your boss is a politician. You’re bootlicking :stuck_out_tongue:


My boss is a private citizen, cause i work for a private military. Soooo nice way to assume there buddy. I ditched the US military cause it pays shit and I cant stand having to watch pedophiles lead.

Also, ANJ was trying to say that the Allies were not fighting the nazis for moral reasons, and so no one was good in WW2. My entire point is that the western powers were 100% the good guys in WW2.

Also, modern border patrol isnt systemically exterminating an entire group of people. And modern day native Americans are not being systematically hunted to extinction. So not even remotely genocide, way to just use whatever definition you want for buzzwords.

And who the fuck do you think hires mercenaries? Corporations are politicians, my dude. You’re still licking someone else’s boots.

All I’ve read so far is a 100% American jingoism point of view. Maybe you should go back to the history books and read about American Isolationism before you think the USA was jumping into WW2 for moral reasons.

Doing the right things for the wrong reasons doesn’t make you good (but this is a philosophy argument in Kantian ethics I think whereas I believe you’d likely want to argue the Mills side of ethics).

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Im not just talking about American troops lmao. Did all of you fail to see where I talked about the British, and the French and the Canadians and the Australians? Or do we just wanna ignore the fact that America was only one part of the war effort.

Also, what bad reasons did America have for entering WW2? Being bombed at pearl harbor?

Also, the great thing about being a private military contractor is i can tell my employers no when they ask me to do something I dont want to. Im not forced to enter conflicts i dont want to be apart of.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.


LMAO, love this post. Fantastic transition.

But for real, I did make a point on ethics which is really what I think this entire discussion is about. Kantian ethics vs. Mills.

There were no bad reasons, there just weren’t “good” reasons. The USA was an Isolationist nation until Pearl Habor (and there’s the conspiracy that politicians knew about the attack beforehand and allowed it to occur in order to enter the war), which is not “good” morality in my point of view. Being juxtaposed to literal-evil does not automatically make one “good”.

The extent of genocide was not known before and during the conflict of WW2. I do not think you can back-calculate evils to determine if your actions were indeed good or not. I do not consider launching nuclear weapons at entire cities ‘good’, regardless of what evils that Nation’s soldiers committed.

You want to call entire Nations ‘evil’ during these periods, but that doesn’t make any sense. What about American Germans? Roosevelt’s share of the presidential election in 1940 fell 7 points from his tally in 1936, with the majority of switch occurring in heavily German-immigrant settled area (pp. 139–140, Does this mean that these American citizens were also ‘evil’? There is no black & white way to look at this like you want to keep trying to do.