M1 era 73~ 3 on 1

I haven’t planted a colony in like 5 months dude. I’m not “with anybody”.

uhhh have you been reading anything I’ve been saying? I’m calling everyone cowards who tries to pay reds or bribe others. Kaen tried to buy my friendship once, years ago, and I laughed in his face.

well yes, that IS BD in a nutshell. Everybody wants the easy fights and few actually have any form of pride.

That’s why I’m posting screenshots of people like Traj trying to bribe people not to fight him (amusing to me still how quickly people send me these images when I’m not playing any eras). BD will continue to be everything like you just complained about unless people are there to name and shame others.

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i havent tried to bribe anyone you idiot, you can clearly see that i offered them peace meaning they can build and keep their rank (rank 2) and their personal ranks in top 10.

The only one bribing anyone is Rank 1 team nWo (offering Rank2 team reds to attack us), hence why they haven’t said anything here.

You’re not even fun to reply to anymore its just embarrassing now chick.


Even their supporters lmao.


i need some clear view


Ponka get some brain cells and listen what irrational is saying… at least he knows what strategy is

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Then why do you keep responding to me directly? You’ve said 3 separate times now that you are done responding to me and yet you keep doing it.

You are literally feeding the troll.

Also, PONKA, what the fuck did you use to take that screenshot… a potato? It’s a screenshot, there’s literally a button on your keyboard for it. How the fuck do you manage to create such a crappy quality image. I’m baffled at your brilliance.


@Sakrie why don’t you plant, pretty easy to see l the action, just don’t spam us please, got enough of those


I feel like not giving a reply to retards,so shhh

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Was lazy to toogle spy/agent thats why i got someone crop that ss for me :rofl::joy:.

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I guess thats also blur, log m1 lmao

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thats even more clear <3



Anthrax going to mikotosuicido route this era


What kind of retard you ppl are showing your armies on forum lmao, someone mentor them pls its a request.


do those look like full armies? also you act like yall don’t have the same BR

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Obviously yall died to him already

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:sweat_smile: just watch

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See you laughing on your self lmfao

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Out of context question.

Why is this thread categorized under EA?

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Its too retarded of an era to be a BD era. Shit like this should only happen on EA.