thats CE1 no doubt
this groups chat includ main & subs
Yup that’s CE1. I for the life of me can’t remember you being in Beer though. Check HOF for ce1 and see if you can find your colony name. It must not have been harry the great. I do remember you playing with =T=
Dont worry i remember you
Can vouch that Harry was an annoying kid who I enjoyed playing with way back when. The passage of time tells me that he’s probably now an annoying adult who I’d enjoy playing with.
Yeah, fine that was our team. But why can’t I remember you lol
We started as BEER and ended as BEER.
I’m glad I made a favourable impression on someone
From what I’ve read on the old forums I started in TFM which I assume was a sub, built up an army of about 2000 units and must have joined BEER eventually? Who knows
TFM was Andreis alliance. Maybe you did join beer later, but I can’t remember it ether. Oh well
Was he the one who spent a load (hundreds/thousands) on reds?
Yes, and he is also the owner of BD currently
Wow, amazing how much you miss in a few years!
wow…same here, i played last time in 2012, wanna start again and enjoy the fun.