This BR has been posted a few times in the past I think, but it’s the biggest BR I’ve ever been a part of (400 squads vs 245)
E3 era 74. The main war was SGC, in asia, vs 4E (with I believe 3 subs) in the americas. There was another coalition of about 5 alliances in Aussie, so we blocked off the entire of indonesia and South east asia with ops to stop them from invading us. We pushed 4E out of africa and then invaded through GL/NA (I remember Vega spent like 1k reds before we invaded purely on the res to set up day long sat scans across the entire continent).
Then OwK planted in Alaska and started boosting pretty hard. OwK had
@Psi @Leobratce, Phil elite, Karl, Antrax, Kapp (some BIG boosters), I think rudi? and others - in other words they were a very nasty lineup. They attacked 4E from behind since they had some beef with them from other eras. We knew they posed a far bigger threat than 4E since OwK had been on a winning streak recently and so we offered 4E peace, they gladly accepted and then ended up suiciding like 60 squads into OwK. I think around this time most relics dropped. Also at this point, Ketan, who had a team in AA, launched an invasion of South africa with about 100 squads, however thanks to some smart play with nukes and our very capable sub we were able to kill their entire force within a few hours.
We then moved to attack OwK and so began a huge war across NA and into Alaska(when you’re fighting hard over an area you realise how much space there really is). Seaweed planted about 50 outposts in a giant cluster and soon all of our members began adding to it until there was a huge cluster of hundreds of ops that literally lagged the server horrendously when you scrolled over it.
I realllly hope that someone who was in that era has a screenshot of it because I dont, always wished I had taken one.
This stage lasted quite a while. Kapp who was boosting in our sub left and joined OwK. Spammers in our op cluster kept launching spam bombs with like 50 attacks each. Both sides were boosting hard and there was probably around 500-600 squads flying around this small area. Eventually we managed to push OwK back to their colonies in the very corner of the map since we had larger armies, and at that point Admin Ash (then Tom) dropped the final relic literally off the coast of alaska. We felt it was a pretty bullshit move since OwK promptly took the relic, stacked all their armies onto it and then flew to west AA, stealing another of our relics near hawaii in the process, whilst we had to slowly fly through the americas which were infested with 4E colonies and armies - we had peace with them but it was tenuous and we knew they would stab if they thought could win.
We met OwK in AA and after a few days fighting they again hopped on their relic and flew back to alaska. We were raining so many nukes down on their colonies that anything they trained had to immediately be sent to the relic or it would be destroyed. They also had a sub who would spam in either Alaska/AA depending on which we had to leave undefended to chase their main armies down. This annoyingly went back and forth several times and the admin ended up declaring that in future eras if a team was pointlessly stalling the era then he would reserve the right to move relics to the coast because of this exact situation.
Eventually we made our final move and flew one of our relics over to NA. We took the gamble of stacking all of our armies onto the relic, leaving the entire map undefended, (except for our sub) since OwK had stacked about 250 squads on the relic and it would be infested with spies. We flew over to their relic which they were keeping just out of range of land and attacked with about 800 squads in 2 waves, the first comprised purely of spams, in order to confuse them as to which attack was real. The real attack was comprised of over 400 squads and when we finally landed on their relic we had all 12 members online to plant SP as soon as we could refresh. My game totally crashed but each time I added the SP would shoot up by 500 since everyone was doing the same. We caught every single one of their agents within the first 30 seconds of the tick change (like 10 agents) and once we stopped adding SP we had stacked 14000 SP on the relic… overkill perhaps.
By this point OwK knew we were able to counter their spies and so we chased them to their last relic and had to do the same again. This time Psi did not dodge our army and so we killed his 40 squads on landing (meaning they had about 280-300 squads stacked). The rest of his alliance then all turned back into our undamaged army and finally took the fight, suiciding 250 squads into our combined army. We had finally won one of the most frustrating wars I’ve ever fought, and 4E eventually handed their relics to finish the era. In all my time of playing BD overall this era is the one I enjoyed the most, and
@AverageNoJoe I hope that despite our differences now that you’ll agree it was a fantastic time back then (not the arguments though). And so that’s the story behind that BR!