How can we make BD great again

if we wont do something the game will probably die within 2-3 years in good case scenario.
a lot of people can love this game but the way that bd2 was made wasnt good, any suggestions

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We really need to. This game is so great, with some marketing it could come back alive for sure. Gato just doesn’t seem to care anymore :frowning:

Is there anyone that actually plays BD2? I’ve never even opened it.

We need some cooperation from the current owners of the games

Probably the shittiest rework of a game

Bring back e5 (still unsure why it went down) :pray: :slight_smile:

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I mean, people could stop calling every person they’ve ever played with to plant on enemies when the other teams starts winning.

I feel like that would be a step in the right direction. Admins are shooting themselves in the foot when they ignore obvious planting/OP farming between allies. Exactly zero new player/veterans are going to continue playing when that crap is allowed. When people stop showing up to spend money on reds, admin are going to wish they’d done something when the game makes no money. Then again, maybe it’s so unprofitable that exactly what they want.

If that’s the case, let it die. The teams that capped era after era because they could always call 72 scrubs can just save the screenshots of those medals in their “I used to be somebody” folders. Break them out and tell the grandkids about the olden times when online games could die by toxicity.

@Simmen take notes
i agree with you planting players when u lose become a meta not trying to be pretend like i dont do that when people do that to me, but i 100% believe that this thing should stop

Limit planting after certain amount of ticks would make the game a lot more enjoyable, unfortunately, it would kill what’s left of the player base since that’s the only way they can win due to lack of actual skill.

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going to spam him for every good suggestion since he is the admin on most of the eras
he might be the guy to save the game

I’m old so I remember the times of Andrew and Joe when they were the main Admins of the world when it was just Earth, the wider introduction of Seth and a few others I can’t remember know really had it at it’s prime since there was a lot of engagement and activities and havoc was actually a fun event the Admin would do.

My experience playing now isn’t the same and why yes the bot colonies don’t make the rounds feel completely dead, they also don’t present any sort of a challenge other than how we XP farm our units. Teams don’t feel as competitive if everyone is just going to be friends and the one team that tries to fight the status quo gets squashed at least on the worlds I’ve been on now.

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I have a proposal! … WE the players should take this game into our own hands and run it non profit (there will be no red tokens). Grow the community through discord and a new player driven forum. Those willing, like those of us here who love the game to death can do some marketing for free (create youtube videos, lets plays or even aid the marketing with personal funds. We will upgrade the graphics of the game, maybe make the worlds into 3D globes yet retain the charm, vibe and the original vision. Those of us who have experience developing games can begin whenever, the rest will aid in discussion and opinions on how the game should be (how can we actually improve the game further without straying too far from the original vision of the game, and so on) Also, maybe we can at some point use the advancements in AI to our advantage here? Like, how far into the future from now could we even generate a game like Battledawn, I am just mentioning it.

The potential of Battledawn is slept upon. There are potentially millions of people out there who would absolutely love to play Battledawn. But let´s be honest, we can do all the marketing we want, but if the game is pay to win (basically) then the game will slowly lose players who get enough, over time. This has killed many other games. It makes for a short lived golden period that makes the developers money, but the game dies as a result. That combined with the old look (charming, but old), has been and is currently destroying this game. Gato has let us down (sorry Gato but its true), and previous owners of the game also let us down. We should take this into our own hands once and for all, and make Battledawn great again, in fact better than it ever has been. The golden days of Battledawn has not been yet, if we players unite and make it so. Just envision it, can you see it? An enhanced Battledawn without reds!? Its possible, if we decide to make it real.

Do we have a Battledawn discord? If not, someone here with a lot of friends/contacts from the BD community should lead a movement to revive it. I can potentially try to do it, but I have a limited BD network really. This is my 50 cents. If you read all of this, thank you and what do you think?


any updates on the discord server? want the same but with supermechs the other gato games game

yea we want some new updates on bd and thanks

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yes agreed with that we realy want this suggestion

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from my experience, i can say that unless the devs are engaged in their creation again or we magically get access to make our own content for the game, it’s going to die a slow painful death. I mean look at red dead online for example…

I think we should start with having active admins and events. I am willing to help as a volunteer admin in that regard. Once this is solved then the new admins can focus on making the game better with the obvious planting and op farming and other issues like relics being delayed or similar events. I also like the idea of limiting planting new colonies after a certain amount of ticks have passed.

I’d wish the actual devs or whoever works at Gato games actually responds here and shows interest. Maybe one of them did idk I am new to the forums here :smiley: