Tick 767
So thing i saw is that one of the rank1 player is on vacation. I mean they are twice the power to the closest rival and one guy goes on vacation
Tick 767
So thing i saw is that one of the rank1 player is on vacation. I mean they are twice the power to the closest rival and one guy goes on vacation
Such confidence! much wow
maybe he was experimenting the vaccation mode but he doesn’t know that he has to wait 48 ticks before logging again haha
Galaxy still alive wow
oh man i quit that era. how is it going?
i was to busy with real life and Hokage got me. though i have brs of some battels if you guys want em
due to my teamate dying early i took long and hard hits solo. I ended up quitting because I work to much to keep up with a 3 ticker. Literally on every 20-30 ticks kills you.
we are sıttıng lıke 10days lol
Everytıme you and noob Yeet attackıng us
no coordınate noobs
Someone needs to tell yeet that damage in galaxy is pretty much useless
Nice insult, very creative
Yes, unfortunately, dmg builds on galaxy are weaker than in BD. But we asked folks for a vote back a while ago and they wanted to just keep it the same, soooo
since damage is weaker in galaxy… why don’t we decrease token rewards to compensate them?
I had another question, in this galaxy Vs BD rules thing, is 12 CT full in galaxy to upgrade ops and stuff?
dont think so…
@BaBaBaBaBane I told you man, it is 24 only not 12 on galaxy.
Galaxy still there !! wow. I played this game long time back, going to start againg and hit hard.