Yes , finally the day has arrived where i have won the fastest BD server available , no longer anyone can claim that i sleep on frontlines or am inactive. The era was a max tick so u all know how hard it was to win,
i would like to mention a few people without whom this wont be possible :
i : yeah if i wasnt in the team the team couldnt even have ever thought they could be for the win its cause i was there they were so motivated that everyone could see the victory and even named the alliance FTW.
Me : Again me cause its cause of my fear whenever we even moved troops next to an alliance they just saw my name and surrendered right at the spot or better became our sub and killed our next target for us.
Myself : i would like to congratulate myself for being so active and saving all my teammates whenever they were in trouble. its so awesome i dont have words for it.
That would be all.