Fantasy 3 - Era 127

This is about F3 - Era127 post what ya got of drama-map updates-battle reports all of em here!


Map looks like this

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you can just copy the image itself and paste it here, better so we don’t have to enter the link,
like this :

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Update tick 139 :slight_smile:

MM are currently storming through the map after early wars, LAW are also expanding after a conflict with HOS :stuck_out_tongue:


and now with the war between LAW ( ftw team and red boosters ) and on the other side llll (non boosters chilling team

Nice BR for LAW because I’m bad

here are some BRs of the wars between IIII and H (H0S and Milk are helping as well)


After MM finished TG/zzzz they’ve now started war on LAW, theyre on a rampage! :open_mouth:

tick 362