Earth 2 The Ultimate Showdown

Earth 2 has finally restarted from havoc and presents us with an interesting era. Unlike most eras on Battle Dawn right now, it is competitive and has four teams going for the win from tick 1. Many more teams might like to take up that challenge in the future. Ladies and gentlemen, buckle up as we present to you a glorious E2 era, with some big names playing who go all out for the win!


Top Alliances

  1. TT
  2. FOLK
  3. BBC
  4. S
  5. SW

Alliance Territories

TT are the dominant alliance early on! They control most of South America and a significant portion of North America. One of their members is based in Africa and it will be interesting to see how the geopolitical landscape of Africa will be in the foreseeable future.

Four major powers (TT, BBC, FOLK and SW) are currently in the race to secure the continent! Whoever is able to set his foot permanently on the African continent will benefit heavily from the natural resources and will become the favourites to win the era.

BBC looks to be the most organised alliance as all of them are based in the Asia-Europe region. However, they are in direct proximity to their rivals S who are situated very close to them. Eager to set their mark on the global stage, S have claimed control over significant parts of Asia and the Middle-East. However, Asia and Europe still largely remains under the control of BBC.

FOLK have expanded early all over Antarctica and are eager to establish their dominance over the continent. They are also expanding into Africa from the southern region and will be looking to secure a large number of mines and conquers in the continent.

Meanwhile, SW are not organised as well as the top alliances since their members are located far from each other. Even though they control sizable amounts of land in three continents, there is doubt if they would be able to hold onto it as their members are facing an early war with TT, the top alliance.

ODDS TO WIN ERA (My Hypothesis)

  1. BBC - 35%
  2. TT - 31%
  3. FOLK -20%
  4. S - 11%
  5. SW - 3%
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