Discuss the era below
Would be a fun era, pretty one sided one
Any intel on top alliances
era looks pretty much one sided.
Panther Family is best , will win this round probably lıke last era E2
@BlackPanther lol win with Vinci till I dont comeback after that HTK will never win
and plzzz tell vinci to not lick Abdul’s @ss try fighting alliance without abduls help
Decent enemy of HTK
Yeeeeah im pretty sure HTK didnt win last E2 lol
ı won man
trash talk
like you Trash
Yeah trash for haters and valuable for my loved ones
BP u choose where u want to go
Yeah @Excel he won in his dreams
ı have ss to you cry Teaa for top3 (smile)
Despair ppb , when you wıll wın any era
@BlackPanther I cried cause he promised us XD
And dw I already won eras😂
can ıcheck Hall Of Fame gıve me info
I am not good member , but I’m strong enough to crush you , I can’t talk to you and waste my time.
Last e1
M3 (my favorite era)
wow you best hahahahahha