havent had any GODS are scared to head on fight
Aww thats sad
but im winning ill kill the world
So TROL stabs HQ and they eat dick!
get locked baby
half of their armies got locked down and the rest continued running leaving their friends behind
Cant call them a good alliance with a chasis spread like that, no victory for you.
They are clearly tanks (only one guy from them fucked up and built some veh and inf) + I never cared about this era, we were chillin and boom got stabbed, the rest of their team who ran were fully tanks
Lot’s of stabbing this era as usual. ROME stabbing BEEP eek.
well in my opinion, it’s at least finally starting to look a bit balanced and fair lol, if Rome didn’t do that it was going to be a 2v11 this era with how many allies you guys got in your coalition lmao
a kill on Iron sage (his ign is “dog” from “C” alliance)
got locked as well and damaged but reinforced with 79armors and still died
GG everyone
Lol don’t act all high and mighty lol, it was 3v1 and I wasn’t even playing the era seriously bud. Maybe i’ll show the messages of you begging me for peace lol.
Next time dont bully me. ive mastered the art of getting an alliance gangbanged lmao
Ammm I’m pretty sure Beep are the ones who bullied you lol, why are you telling me that lmao
learn to read dumb head… smh
E2 is pretty active i like it.
GODS sent 240 ships so BEEP turned.
Nice Pic
and I’m not talking about the BR