Hey everyone, it’s good to be back, let’s get this party started!
Hoping to see some old and some new faces this era. It will be a fairly standard one with 10 players per alliance, and some garrisons spread around the world trough the era. There will be 10 relics, and you need to hold them for 100 ticks to win.
The prizes of the era is:
Rank 1: 3000
Rank 2: 750
Rank 3: 500
Rank 4-10: 200
You also get 500 extra if your alliance ends up with all the relics!
I’ll be jumping around the world, trying to pay everyone a visit. Feel free to message me with any questions, or just to say hi
Hopefully it’ll be a good era, looks like there will be some early friction between CRH and 2X (2X appears to be some of last era’s winners) so that might be something to watch. Sity has South America on lock and will probably war RAZZ early for North America, maybe TLA as well for AA. Seems Australia is completely empty so maybe some late placers could profit from going down under.
Keep this thread alive Guys
Now if anyone shares the intel on who is who that would be very interesting and what are the diplomatic relations with everyone like nap etc.