CE3: Admin Vote

Hello Commander,

As promised, we’re holding a vote on your preferred admins for CE3!

We’ve decided to hold two separate polls, one for each general region, for timezone reasons. We may end up diverging due availability or the likes, but we aim to stick to the polls results if nothing comes up. :slight_smile:

Now, without further ado, the poll!

American Admin

  • Joe
  • Josh

0 voters

European Admin

  • Simen
  • Ash

0 voters

Vote for your favourite candidates and make sure your friends do as well!

Good luck. :slight_smile:

Gato Games Team


holy jesus ash actually won over simmen?


why is the most biased admin on BD picked over simmen?? im shocked

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Who tf voted ash, i just wanna talk

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wait so if Ash won why isnt he admin?

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Ash separated from the company shortly after the poll was made

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