CE should be a draft era.
#JazzForPresident #Jazz2020
Yes for pres, no to that other thing
Are yall stupid XD
its almost as if we just did a draft and it is almost as if that failed. great plan. i have a new plan
It dint fail at all… wt u saying
any event that has rules set by the community is going to fail. The integrity of this community is to low. Unless you want it to be a draft specifically ran by admins then sure.
But CE from what ive heard and since i read the old forums is not a draft. It is suppose to be the best of the best teaming on each other. This isnt some random era. People are going to be with the teams they have played with for years. Memorizes tactics and sleep schedules. CE is not a time to “make new friends”
no fucking shit
No it shouldn’t be lmfao
I personally think it’s a good experiment. It would allow for many players to enjoy a CE in the full sense of the word not just entitled groups gunning for the win.
However, the biggest problem is that in eras with stakes as high as that, people would love to play with others that they have full confidence in. There’s no way to ensure that from a draft. Plus who are we going to choose as the team heads? On what basis? It’s a really complex web of issues.