Yahaar, we’re just watching the DINOs
Seems like an unnecessary jab at a group that hasn’t insulted you at all. Especially for a team that just ioned a nuke that was landing on an empty outpost
You cant ion nukes that are heading to other alliances’ outposts.
hmm I’m confused is this op owned by DINO? http://prntscr.com/s8d6yz
We ioned a nuke headed to OUR outpost, big surprise.
No that’s owned by DINO, DINOs 17th sub
empty outpost. like I said smartass
Relics out, I wish you all very exciting wars in the coming future.
May your citizens be brutally murdered in wars after such a long vacation, all.
Not gonna lie, I totally read that as ‘enemy’. My bad, and I’m sure there was a reason to ion the nuke. Even if there wasn’t, who cares, we wasted 250 E.
It was me who ioned it , got bored so decided to go farm the achievement.
SHIP are just a couple of guys who are up to no good. We started makin’ trouble in our neighborhood. We got in one little fight and DINO got scared and took a picture of us sailing while we were still in the air.
Moe you are the treasure that we have been pillaging for our whole lives
Guess what man, you lost about 2-3 armies while doing matching eta moves and SHIP did not lose any… that tells a lot, doesn’t it?
It was actually one army. One guy didn’t leave NZ for other reasons. How about when you manage to kill me, you can talk. Until then, stay on your level pondscum.
This is a weird flex. Did SHIP cross ETA 8 into an enemy camp wall?
If we have no idea what we’re doing, how can the enemy have any idea?
Its giga brain strategy