BattleDawn Championship Era 3

Hi, I’m Greeny.

ATOM sucks moving on guys!

@MuhaLudi MVP for kicking him.

@Excel VIP for wining

@NeutronX maybe next time dont trash talk to much :smiley:


Unfortunately, I really tried to push this point across. Alas, it fell on deaf ears.


You just agreed with muha like an hour ago that AGE was made out of pure hatred. Who do you think that hatred was for? The lofty honorable ideals of ATOM? Or your schizophrenic personality that Pissed off almost every team you dealt with?

Other coalitions targeted their stronger enemies first. The noobs of NA cracking under pressure at the end was what everyone was hoping for and exactly what happened.

This comment here, excel does truly mean you don’t know why AGE was formed. It was formed in pure hatred of COSMIN and Cosmin only. WSS was brought in after we realised we had no way of being able to keep NA to their word.


Well I guess, you’ve answered for me. It’s just weird to me that Excel is a CE winner and is still pretty triggered that he couldn’t outplay me.

No one did the entire era if we’re honest. Even this secondary merger with WSS and the others was made because of a helpless on the part of the people involved in predicting or controlling my decision. I expected that 100%.

Meh, @Excel try to enjoy your win and be a bit less salty and hostile. Would do wonders for your life.


Just here to highlight the parts I like

Don’t forget we were still 9 strong for half of this op warring, Excel hadn’t built the army yet

It was also pretty to watch

Just wanted to highlight this because still annoyed when I think back

Still agree with our decision

The reason why I couldn’t bend the knee at the end. Was still trying to get the ones I liked to join us at this time.

And the final thing that made me detest them

Well Iceman is a dog shit player, absolute garbage, and a disgusting humanbeing. Eat shit dude. And I love being able to talk freely again, fuck doing diplo

I obviously took the L pretty hard, won’t lie (if the ending tag wasn’t WSS, it was a loss for me, even though I’m ecstatic about Moe getting a trophy), but don’t regret my decisions when I was playing, nor my decision to stop playing 4 days from the finish line.

I didn’t have the connections, trust, nor patience to do what @Excel did. I’m happy I gave control to you and Moe. Though I am pissed you weren’t able to get one more trophy, but I’ll get over it eventually, you’re family bud.

Also agree with most of what Moe wrote for the team descriptions, but I’m not as nice as him. Hope ya’ll find another game to waste money in and most of you go into crippling debt


More proof. O ye good people of BD.

SHIP had the most loveable folk in BD for sure

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Felipe told me to say that you are wrong, and WSS was intended to join ever since Felipe invaded NA. So I guess it means you truly don’t know

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Sorry AT1M/AT0M/FLYD, but you heard it from Neutron himself, none of you are cronies.


Still mad I never got to do a tactical SUICIDE.



No they’re not cronies. They are family


Interesting how Neutron starts to attack the character of Nick for acting way nicer than he normally is in order to do good diplo. (He’s normally pretty damn nice to begin with by the way. Unless you’re just an awful person toward him). Maybe next time Nick should do what Neutron did the entire era and piss everyone off with his terrible attitude. I hear that strategy generally ends well.

Neutron you have been like this since the Kong days. No one liked you there and no one likes you here.

It’s truly a wonder why you got kicked from AGE on the last tick.


I’ve seen this mentioned multiple times by a bunch of you with no explanation as to what makes my attitude terrible. You hate being seen for what you are? Or you’re triggered about the fact that I don’t like pretenders ( be it for diplo or not)?

People with terrible attitudes often lie, cheat, steal and pretend. Should be a good enough description to point you in the right direction

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I have no idea what the fuck happened but shoutout to @Moe for appearing on CE win polls as a joke and then actually winning.


The deal you had with Felipe before / during the NA invasion, is a different beast to what I’m referring to.

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A lot of this describes you as well. Whats the famous saying… something about a kettle?

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SAIL IS NOT A FAMILY - Neutron 2020


You came out flaming once moe said that you made mistakes during the era. Trying to get you to understand that you aren’t some exceptional leader with no flaws because you micromanaged newer players who still can’t fight at a high level on their own after 4000 hours isnt being salty.

I either fought you to a standstill or pushed your coalition back. Only when the entire world crashed through Asia did you push through. Try to take yourself off a pedestal a bit. Your mask cracked at the mere mention you made a single mistake during the 4k ticks

Fair enough. If that’s your opinion. Now what? Whatchu you gon’ do? Nothing.

Stop focusing so hard on others.

Had fun replying banter on here tonight. Goodluck to all the half decent people left in this game. I hope you make it to BD2. Can’t wait to see a genuine community where people can foster competitiveness without so much useless hatred.

Signing out.

  • Your Lord Neutron :rofl: :rofl: :popcorn:
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How can you possibly claim nobody outplayed you the entire era when you lost a game you were trying to win? That’s one hell of a smooth-brain take.