New battledawn not working out

Can’t seem to figure out how to run BD. I downloaded the new crap and that’s what I got.

Running windows 10 on PC.

Hi Yancan,

Could you elaborate on the issue you’re encountering?

It should “just work” on windows 10

i downloaded and installed the new stuff. when i open it nothing happens


Did you try running it as an administrator? Could an antivirus be blocking it?

No errors nothing?

Could you try opening the game directory and launching “client.exe” instead of clientloader? It leads to some bugs but may work.

Note: there is also the option of using an old, portable version of Chrome if you’re in a hurry, but if you do, make sure it’s on a computer without important data (I cannot assure it to be safe) and dont browse other websites with it (it absolutely can get your computer hacked if you do).

Another player of ours has success using it (he does not wish to download the full game).
Unsafe Portable Chrome

Edit: Your resolution may also be helpful.

I used the chrome portable.
