Fantasy 2 has entered it’s 101st era. I’ve decided to keep a little of last era’s bonanza rules, as they seemed to have a positive impact on the world.
Global boosts remain more frequent
Additional gold mines/lumber mills (arranged into rings, dotted around the map)
Alliance size will be 6 per alliance, with prizes as follows:
Top 10: 200 tokens
Top 5: 600 tokens
3rd: 1000 tokens
2nd: 1500 tokens
1st: 4000 tokens
There’s a rumor/said in Broadcast that HK is BlackPanther’s team. It’s still unconfirmed though.
HK just started a war against ARMY. Let’s see how it goes , if ARMY fights back.
I heard BP is going for a BOAT and he planted with 4 alliances to help with his BOAT (kinda defeats the purpose of a BOAT?) and he is in HK alliance warring ARMY, no kills have been made from either side, but HK hasnt really accomplished much since war started, with them having a 300 power lead over ARMY.
SO from what I heard HK has TROL, xHKx, and TTK as their subs/helpers vs ARMY?
firstly i am not doing boat
Secondly i am playing with my gameskill.
with no stab
Let’s go and cry your mama
ı am sorry to fck ur ass Last e2 haha
you noob , that’s why no one invite you any eras.
Go and play with your little dck Battledawn is not good for you
Stabber and Despair Uchi
Bro can you grow up? lol Like forreal this excuse that your are young or whatever and you dont know any better and everyone feels bad for poor black kitty so they give you free wins or help you is getting really old, you only embarrass yourself and your company.
Youre old enough to have some sense right?
And I said i HEARD, i didnt say it was a fact
And you with good diplo? Thats hard to believe. Everyone knows you plant with many people and help, but whatever you say
And thank goodness i was wrong and you arent going for BOAT. That would be a real shame.
Everything you just said makes no sense lol
its a war game. You want JGB to sit still, let you 4 v1 ARMY and then you guys stab us? No thanks
Might as well try to make it even, with 4v2 right?
Yea, i know you know my alliance and have screenshots, we kick the POS, info feeding Abdul already. You have majoriy of map, multiple allies, huge and you still need a spy leaking info from inside our alliance.
are we crying and asking for help from everyone? Oh Yes , We are! How tf did you promise rank 2 to ICJW? What rank do JBG get for backstabbing and helping? Hmmm