Earth 3 : Era 120 New Era New Admin

There it is

Could have kept running all day but figured I’d rather suicide. GG to all except the scum members who quit/left/joined the enemy. Hopefully another team will step up, this era has a long time left!


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What kind of experience did u gained exactly :expressionless:


a very tiring one bane


leading is hard, ain’t it :wink:
It’s not always about making the “best move”, but sometimes making sure that your team is internally content is more important. I’ve had plenty of eras where my teammates “know” we’re going to lose but they choose to stick it out b/c i ensure we have a good, fun environment (even if it does get stressful). And to add in, even when things look the toughest, you can ALWAYS turn things around. All it takes is some patience and some luck. And nothing is more frustrating for a winning team than not being able to finish off the enemies armies. Had an enemy chase me and my teammates for over 500 ticks and it was enough time for other random teams on the map to build up and fight with us. And the fact we were still alive (army wise) was what gave other teams hope that we could turn the tides.

Long story short. Never give up :wink:

I’ll continue flooding everyone with res as well throughout the era, so keep on trucking away ya’ll! Love seeing all these BR’s and discussions


Malice about time for one of those generous boosts of your :smirk:


I believe I was part of that winning team with you :wink: We sure had fun.


Hahaha that was fun! It took all those suicides and teams to beat us! Sheesh ya will really need someone to feed yall reds in CE cus thats pathetic karl plo ice, youll prolly even need more! Baha!

Sorry to Alfie, FPS and Carter and dragging them into such a shit storm, but at least we opened a can of whoop ass

And special shout out to the homies Venku and Razz for sticking with us till the end and going out in a blaze of glory with us. And to URATURA who we met in game like 200 ticks ago and stuck it out with us and was a team player.

If all these other teams battlehug then rip bd

I am still coming for your head! Tolbs !


it may be one example of many, but blame warp not me on those jams :roll_eyes:


where’s my shoutout :sob:


well uchi i guess i didnt get your booty, oh well many other children i can school :3


You gave up so easily? Wow…did not expect that from you.

If anyone plans to try and win CE you can’t give up every time you die…

I think you all should rebuild. Troll at least.


The Most Exclusive

.character limit


Well CE is literally 3 days away, so why waste time and tokens on E3 when you can simply prepare for the big show?


But CE a one ticker hun…and you 3 ticker boys gonna get bored. :stuck_out_tongue:

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:thinking: Maybe I misread but it looks to me like the last 20 posts have been the result of them not giving up


Shout out to my friend The Burner for holding me in NA and not being able to push ahead! And for contributing to the thread in general!

Give up? Me? hahahahaahahahaahahahhfrydwcfvgioqkbfihrhbghahahahaha
Sike! I was the one asking my team to keep going until we couldnt anymore.
Why would i continue to troll?
No one on the map helped us in anyway shape or form. Not 1 single colony. Our rank 5 alliance with 7 members vs rank 1-4 alliance with a full 10 members per team. plus other irrelevant scum like pigs and reds for a bit
7 vs 40 and these sucker nooobs could barely manage.

Unlike you, when you died on e1 and rage quit and threw a tantrum, i lost my army and still kept pushing/fighting, these idiots couldnt even kick us out of the UK, if it werent for 4 different alliances with ±100 squads we wouldnt have had to move.

Mk youre straight trash, you got your salad tossed by BP and team at the start of era after shitting out so many reds lol ketan owns you

cody shut the fuck up, shouldnt you be on xbox raging and calling everyone the n word, nobody care about your raggedy ass, second-rate, discount, safe-space, melting snowflake family lol
you wanna recruit do it on another thread like other who have recruited

And yeet, your avatar still creeps/bothers dafuq out of me for reasons i cannot explain, yet i respect you


That’s not changing anything Saint was in your team

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Yawn… so many crybabies


Yes, djina the only wonderwoman present :kissing_heart:

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